What could be a greater threat to our planet than having the United States ruled by a senile, extraterestrail, shape-shifting reptilian alien with strong ties or allegiance to the Nazi party? This nightmare, as extreme as it is, is becoming more of a reality with each passing day that we spend drifting toward oblivion or extermination under Biden. On Figure 1 the axis term is DEADLY FORCE at skip 6,492. At one skip off the axis term (6,491) is BIDEN. The words MAR A and LAGO are at the same absolute skip as BIDEN. AUTHORIZED is at skip -1. Biden has long held racist, Nazi beliefs. He eulogized Senator Robert Byrd at his funeral. Byrd was unanimously named “exalted cyclops”, which meant that he was the top officer in the local ku klux klan. Although he later renounced his membership, Byrd partook in a lengthy filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. On the first row of the matrix is NAZI at skip -1. BIDEN runs the U.S. like a BANANA Republic. BANANA is at the same absolute skip as DEADLY FORCE.
With respect to aliens, on the matrix in the open text are STARS, and under it, ALIEN PEOPLE. ALIENS also is found at skip -6493 (one above the axis term) while TERRORIST is found at skip +6,493. At the same skip as DEADLY FORCE is GAZA. Biden has been working hard to save the remaining Hamas terrorists in Rafiah, GAZA. Biden’s attack was AUTHORIZED against Trump’s house at Mar a Lago in Florida. The best spelling of Trump is on the matrix, but only at skip -8 (not a special case skip). CHINESE is also on the matrix at skip +1 (it also means Sinai). The Chinese and aliens are said to be allied with hostile aliens who are believed to be at work destroying any loyalty to our Constitution that Democrats once held. According to Dr. Michael Salla, there are many species of aliens who have been dealing with Chinese for centuries. Some of these relationships are described by Salla in his book RISE OF THE RED DRAGON, Origins & Threat of China’s Secret Space Program (2020).
ABOVE: Spreadsheet for Figure 1. R factor for the axis term = 1.945. Odds against finding this axis term in Torah = 88.1 to 1. Total odds against the matrix are about 521,835,000,000 to 1 without considering the axis term. With the axis term odds against the matrix are about 45,973,663,000,000 (~46 trillion) to 1.