Chapter 9: Nazis in German & U.S. Governments 2/6/2025

Decades of Torah research have taught me an  unusual view of history. For starters, Germany  was working on UFOs before World War 2, but not quite able to produce them in significant numbers before the war ended. Of the aliens who helped them, the Reptilians were the worse.  Just before the war ended, Hitler escaped alive and he reached South America in a submarine (probably U944 or U977). Eisenhower stated his belief that Hitler survived, but he failed to track him down.

Decades of Torah research have taught me an  unusual view of history. For starters, Germany  was working on UFOs before World War 2, but not quite able to produce them in significant numbers before the war ended. Of the aliens who helped the Nazis, the Reptilians were the worse.  Just before the war ended, Hitler escaped alive and he reached South America in a submarine (probably U944). Eisenhower stated his belief that Hitler survived, but he failed to track him down. In the 1950s Ike got to meet and make some deals with more than one species of aliens. In exchange for humans and cattle that the aliens were allowed to take, our government received advanced military technology. By the end of his second term, Eisenhower was disgusted with how the aliens were handling people and cattle He made an effort to warn the public about the alien threat. but he was not specific enough. He said:

“A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

His warning about the military-industrial complex was (fatally) too vague. He should have told us about the military-industrial-extraterrestrial  complex. Many human members of this  group were Nazi war criminals brought to the United States under Operation Paperclip.  This was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 Nazi German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959. Conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), it was largely carried out by special agents of the U.S. Army’s Counterintelligence Corps (CIC). Many of these personnel were former members, and some were former leaders, of the Nazi Party. During the 1950s many of these Nazis rose to high position in the U.S. Government. Eisenhower went from begrudgingly in control while meeting with combined Nazi-alien crews to having to threaten to attack Area 51 with the First Army if the base did not come clean with him with respect to what was research being conducted there.

Key Recruits for Operation Paperclip – Advisors brought into the United States.  This list is found at the end of this article.  Many of members of the Nazi Party and quite a few including Wernher von Braun were war criminals. Von Braun designed the Saturn V that took American astronauts to the moon.

President Kennedy was concerned about the secret Nazi-alien influence. He  wanted to warn us about what was going on, but that idea was shut down by his assassination. Presidents after him  were well aware of the price of giving us too much truth.  Eventually much of what left of American morality became Nazi philosophy. President Trump, who establlished  a new branch of our military – Space Force, is trying to reverse that, but he has already survived two assassination attempts which are likely related to the  the military-industrial-extraterrestrial  complex.

The rest of this chapter will highlight Torah Code matrices and New York Times articles meant to support highlight the above altered view of recent world history,


 An April 27, 1945 article  (dated April 26, 1945) was entitled Hitler Imitator Reported Ready to Die in His Place. I followed the story via the New York Times out as far as 1949. Briefly, a former grocer, August Wilhelm Bartholdi was a double for Hitler, was poised to “die on the barricades” while the real Hitler escaped. Two days later (just after midnight on April 29, 1945) Hitler married Ava Braun. Germany had time to prepare the Hitler swap, whether by switching dental records or drilling Bartholdi’s mouth to match Hitler’s. But they didn’t have time to properly prepare a duplicate for his bride. The following day (April 30, 1945) was the alleged suicide. Russian troops found two bodies burned beyond recognition. They were supposed to be Hitler and Eva Braun. Later we learned that there was a match with Hitler’s dental records. But once in my life I heard (but could never confirm) that the female corpse found did not have a match with Eva Braun’s dental records, however this aspect of the story does not match what Wikipedia writes. They indicate that, “by 11 May 1945, the Soviets had already had Hitler’s dentist, Hugo Blaschke, and his dental technician confirm the dental remains found were Hitler’s and Braun’s .[64]However, Wikipedia often lies when political opinions are involved.

When the American troops arrived in Berlin they questioned the staff. All, except for two, said that it was Hitler who had died, but the New York Times reported that the maid and the chauffeur claimed it was the cook. However as I recall no name was given for the cook and it was unclear as to whether he was Bartholdi. By July of 1945 the Times was writing about unaccounted for U-boats that might be carrying Hitler, and by August of 1945 there were stories of U-977 being searched by U.S. Marines in Buenos Aires, Argentina. There was also a story of people seeing what looked like Hitler and Eva Braun coming ashore from U-944 elsewhere in Argentina, with them heading for Patagonia.

On October 7, 1945 on page 10 an article appeared in the New York Times entitled Hitler Believed Alive, Eisenhower Tells Dutch. He never recanted it. Over the next four years the Times covered a ruling that Hitler could not be proven dead for purposes of dividing his estate, and that a former Luftwaffe pilot (Peter Baumgart) had flown Hitler out of Berlin after he was reported to be dead. All of this was only of intellectual curiosity for me until I read in a now defunct newspaper, the Miami Times, about a U-boat (Sharkhunters) convention at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Key Largo, Florida. This was only about 25 miles from my home in Homestead, Florida. So I called the hotel and asked who was running the convention. The answer was, I  thought, perfect. It wasn’t a German. Rather it was an American historian named Harry Cooper.

Harry listened to my summary of events, and promised to gegent back to me within a day, but he actually never called me back until months later. When he did, he claimed that crew members from U944 had told him that Hitler was their passenger after the war was over. Later he offered to have me accompany him to Argentina to dive at a sunken submarine. Does the Code Discuss any of ths? Yes.


Figure 1 above: Hitler on a Nazi submarine.



Figure 2 above: HITLER in  TUNJA, COLOMBIA.

This section starts by  presenting evidence backing accusations that the GOVERNMENT of the USA is RULED by 4th Reich traitors loyal to HITLER (the best spelling is used here).  These traitors include ALIENS that are CIAKARR (also known as Reptilians). CIAKARR and USA share two letters. It also shares a letter with REBECCA (a suspected Reptilian). The Ciakarr provided Hamas with the technology needed to get 3,000 terrorists into GAZA where they helped their Nazi partners to murder over 1,200 Jews on October 7, 2023. During the Holocaust in World War 2 the Ciakarr and Gray aliens supposedly helped Germany develop UFOs. Here CIAKARR touches GRAY with GRAY at an absolute skip of 16,626 – one less than the absolute skip of the Ciakarr axis term. There is evidence in the hands of BARRY Roffman suggesting that that Congressman POSEY is aware of this CONSPIRACY. Our CIA was formed two months after the Roswell UFO Incident. George H.W. Bush  was its 11th Director. H. BUSH is also at Skip +16,627. All words in bold print here are encoded on Figure 3.



FIGURE 3 ABOVE. The small matrix with a white background exists against odds of about 68.9 billion to 1 whereas the larger matrix exists against odds of about 4.4 trillion to 1 if  we just use BUSH or 26.795 7 trillion to 1 if we use H. BUSH. The fact that REBECCA crosses CIAKARR does not necessarily imply that she is a Reptilian although I have wondered if this, rather than the supposedly claimed Pleiadian that she claimed to  be.  In the past I alluded to her alleged attempts to set up a conference about ET disclosure. The dangers inherent in such a project may have been be a source of opposition from her husband. He usually acted like a terrestrial person, but at times he seemed to command his wife the way he might if she were a military subordinate. I have dropped interest in her because her stories were inconsistent. I would talk more about her here, but she is not directly involved with the Nazis. However, we had an 11-year friendship before I came to realize that some of what she was saying contradicted her earlier stories.

ARE THERE ET COMMUNITIES ON EARTH? As part of my investigation into possible ET links to Rebecca, I took my wife and son to Rebecca’s home town in Lakeland, Florida. There my son was tested by a local doctor who specialized in holistic medicine. Although the test results did not lead to a cure of his rare condition (erythromelalgia) which can painfully affect feet, hands and other areas, they were of use in reaching a proper diagnosis. After the test the two were nice enough to take us out to lunch. It was then that I was given some of the other information that I sought. Rebecca said she had seen shape-shifter Reptilians emerge from a Publix Supermarket. She also said that a 20-year old man had approached her in a panicked state right after David Gruth testified before Congress. His topic, and that of two Navy FA-18 fighter pilots was UFOs held by the Pentagon or tracked by the Navy. Apparently the three witnesses were frightening to the young man because he now had reason to believe that a growing, rapidly more aware Congress might have reason to go after him and his type. The implication of what Rebecca told me could be that there was a colony of ETs, possibly shape-shifters in her town that could cause problems for the security of every ET in town. Discovery and disclosure of such a group might be catastrophic for her genetic brethren. However, failure to report could point the way to the end our species. What to do with such information could point the way. We need responsible leaders to make such decisions, but we will not find them in the Democrat Party. Nor do all Republicans have clean hands here.


As I continue to study Figure 3  I have now identified nine terms that are at skips      +/- 16,627 (and one, GRAY at skip -16,626, touching the Ciakarr axis term at skip -16,627). They are as follows:

1. CIAKARR. Synonymous with Reptilian. When not shape-shifted to look human, they are somewhat Satanic-looking creatures, often with satanic values. See the top-right creature on Figure 3.

2. HITLER. Hitler is one column left of GAZA, USA and CIAKARR. The Ciakarr Reptilians, like their Nazi-leaning forefathers and Hitler would have relished the chance to massacre Jews.

3. GRAY. Grays are said to often provide crews for Reptilian ships. They are commonly cited as abducting massive numbers of humans to fulfill Reptilians needs, doing so out of fear of Reptilians who in the distant past blew up at least one Gray world. On Figure 3 GRAY at skip -16,626 touches the bottom of CIAKARR at skip -16,627. It almost suggests that the GRAYs kiss the butts of the CIAKARR.

4. POSEY (Congressman, R, FL). I made a presentation about UFOs to Congressman Posey on August 7, 2023  at his Brevard County Florida office. At the end he handed me a copy of his 1997 book; THE HANSON CONNECTION – The book they don’t want you to read. Previously I had asked Posey’s aid, Patrick Gavin, if the Congressman had any background or opinion paper about UFOs, He said, “no,” but for some reason  Gavin was not truthful with me. A week after I finished reading the book it was clear that the work was about the U.S. Government not only hiding what they knew about ETs but they had even imprisoned or killed folks who knew too much for their own good. On a late fall, 2023 day several congressman publicly called for release of major UFO secrets. On the same day for some unexplained reason Posey sent me a second copy of his book along with copies of reviews for it that were written back in 1997. The book was mailed from his house and he addressed it in his own hand writing, All the mystery about his book may have been an attempt to warn me that there was a threat that I should take personally, but this is just a guess.  If I suffer an untimely death the congressman should be interrogated about why he sent me the second copy, which unlike the first copy, was autographed. Posey is shown on the extreme right side of Figure 3.

5. GOVERNMENT. A major issue under study here is whether with Operation Paperclip the GOVERNMENT of the USA came under control of the CIAKARR and those who are loyal to HITLER. These terms and CONSPIRACY are all at the same absolute skip of 16,627 and spell out the scope of the conspiracy.

6. USA. USA overlaps and shares two letters with CIAKARR. The most serious aspect of this investigation is whether there is any truth to the allegation that the Ciakarr not only have occupied other worlds through use of their alleged shape-shifting abilities, but they have also taken over some GOVERNMENTs on Earth including that of the USA.

7. CONSPIRACY. At a minimum the CONSPIRACY to break through the wall around Gaza likely had Ciakarr support. A few months before the attack the president of the USA tried to transfer another $6 billion to Iran. Previously the Obama-Biden GOVERNMENT had transferred over $100 billion to Iran. In both cases Biden and his cohorts encouraged Iran to make war on Israel.

8. THE ALIENS. The ALIENS on this matrix are the CIAKARR (at the same absolute skip) and the GRAYs who touch them.

9. GAZA. Gaza is not only  at the same absolute skip as CIAKARR and USA, but it’s also in the same column. We think the matrix supports the idea that the Ciakarr used their advanced technology to break through the wall around Gaza. While teleportation might be one way to accomplish this, holes could have been quickly cut with the use of nuclear technology.

10. BUSH. The Bush family, and especially the grandfather of President George H. W. BUSH, and a broad history of support for the Hitler regime. The Guardian begins its account as follows:

Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today’s president.

George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.The whole story is at

FIGURE 4 – THE EMPHASIS SHIFTS TO THE DEEP STATE/ FOURTH REICH. There are a lot of names that could be sought as secret members of the Fourth Reich or leaders of organizations that are loyal to the Fourth Reich. Figure 4  shifts the focus up from Figure 3 allowing us to see the FBI’s first and current directors J. Edgar Hoover and Chris Wray, Hoover was involved in a dispute with the Army over UFO wreckage (more likely from a Los Angeles and Long Beach engagement in 1942 than Roswell in 1947), but it could be both. Chris Wray did his best to try to remove Trump from office based on trumped up Russia collusion charges, but he also was opposed to UFO disclosure. Both C. WRAY and HOOVER are again at the absolute skip of the axis term, THE CIAKARR. Another Deep State member, James CLAPPER, was also found while researching this matrix. He was Director of National Intelligence. The H. BUSH on the matrix (President George H.W.  Bush)  was Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Allegedly he refused to brief President-elect Carter on UFOs.  The loyalty of the CIA is in question because one of its directors, John Brennan, voted for a Communist  for President in 1976 (Gus Hall). However, I could not find Brennan encoded at special case skip +/- 16,627 of Ciakarr. Alas, there is never a shortage of items exploring in the Torah Code. The second lowest ELS of THE CIAKARR is at skip +1,986. There is an ELS of BRENNAN at skip -1,986. That matrix is 15 columns by 7 rows (105 letters in area).



Figure 4 is above.  Its spreadsheet below indicates that it was found against odds of over 217.9 trillion to 1.



 Roosevelt supposedly chose to fund our atomic bomb technology because he thought it was a faster route to victory. While our Government kept the lid on UFOs through November, 1944, in that month our planes over Germany saw lights following them at night. The crews of the 415th (Bristol) Night Fighter Squadron_ reported seeing (and dog-fighting with) 8 to 10 bright orange lights. In the summer of 1945 LT(jg) John F. Kennedy accompanied James Forrestal  (later our first Secretary of Defense) to Germany where they both examined Germany’s advanced technology (UFOs). After the Roswell Incident in July, 1947 President Truman put together the Majestic-12 Group to oversee the cover-up starting on 24 September 1947. Forrestal was a member. On May 22, 1949 Forrestal either committed suicide or was murdered. His body was thrown out of a window at Walter Reed Hospital. There was no suicide note. Both Kennedy and Forrestal were allegedly in favor of disclosure of the Roswell Incident. The following individuals were described in the Majestic 12 documents as “designated members” of Majestic 12 (Note: Although the George Bush Presidential family did did much to control the Roswell secrets, they were not related to Vannevar Bush.[6]

The men listed above were American scientists, leaders and military officers.

THE FOURTH REICH ACCORDING TO DR. MICHAEL SALLA. The following information is taken from Salla’s 2018 book, ANTARCTICA’S HIDDEN HISTORY,  Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs.


Figure 5 and its spreadheet above.

“U.S. Military-Industrial Complex works with Antarctic based Fourth Reich. The role of the Dulles brothers in the secret negotiations that culminated in the emergence of the Fourth Reich during the Eisenhower administration cannot be under (over) estimated. Both John Foster and Allen Dulles had much experience working with German industrialists whose companies they represented when they were employed at Sullivan and Cromwell. The Dulles brothers played an important role in Hitler’s ascent to power by advocating the interests of German industrialists who were united in their opposition to Communism and advocacy of a  strong nationalist leader.”

While Eisenhower was annoyed with the idea that he had to threaten to invade the Area 51/S-4 Area with the First Army to find out exactly what the Deep State/Fourth Reich was up to, the relationship between them and Kennedy was worse. In Salla’s (2013 book), KENNEDY’S LAST STAND (page 95), Salla writes, “Forrestal had gone on to become a founding member of Majestic-12 (MJ-12) while Kennedy became a Congressman. It would have been easy to share classified information about UFOs,  and extraterrestrial concern were likely a direct factor in his sacking as Secretary of Defense and his death two months later.

Why was Kennedy killed and who ordered it? Salla provides some answers but his proof is not solid enough to take into a court, especially in a country as corrupted as ours. Salla contends that the main players were members of MJ-12, Project Paperclip, the State Department and the CIA. On May 28, 1963 Kennedy visited Forrestal’s grave. Eleven days before Kennedy’s assassination Soviet Premier Khrushchev accepted Kennedy’s offer to share CIA files about UFOs with other U.S. agencies and the Soviet Union. A rice-bowl fight! The top secret was issued to CIA Director James McCone. It was designed to block Kennedy from UFO files. The collective files were known as “Project Environment.”

Salla hypothesizes that in 1961 the MJ-12 members to approve the Directives were Allen Dulles (MJ-2), Dr. Edward Teller (MJ-2), LT General Marshall Carter (MJ-3), General Curtis LeMay (MJ-4). LT General Gordon Blake (MJ-5), Dr. Detlev Bronk (MJ-6) and Dr. Jerome Hunsaker (MJ-7). Salla believes that Vice-President Johnson was privy to the operation since at least 1949. The Directive that Kennedy sent to McCone was seen as a direct threat to MJ-12. Salla names CIA Director James Jesus Angelton as the man who gave the order to kill Kennedy. Despite this alleged cabal, Russia largely cooperated with the U.S in space until 2022. Now they are threatening not only nuclear war, but also to bring down the International Space Station (ISS). What’s changed? Apparently until 2022 there was some kind of understanding that preserved the peace between America, Russia and some extraterrestrial species working with us. Perhaps the ETs have decided that it’s more in their interest to back China. A limited war between us and the Russians will simplify that goal while reducing our population to make more room for the visitors who are really calling the shots. But a new wildcard is President Trump.


Hermann Oberth[citation needed]

Aeronautics and rocketryHans Amtmann[47]Herbert Axster, Erich Ball[48], Oscar Bauschinger[49], Hermann Beduerftig[50], Rudi Beichel[51], Anton Beier[52], Herbert Bergeler[53]Magnus von BraunWernher von BraunErnst CzerlinskyTheodor Buchhold [de], Walter Burose[54]Adolf Busemann, GN Constan[55]Werner DahmKonrad DannenbergKurt H. Debus, Gerd De Beek[56]Walter Dornberger – head of rocket programme, Gerhard Drawe[57], Friedrich Duerr[58]Ernst R. G. Eckert, Otto Eisenhardt[59]Krafft Arnold Ehricke, Alfred Finzel[60], Edward Fischel[61], Karl Fleischer[62]Anton FlettnerAnselm Franz, Herbert Fuhrmann[63]Ernst Geissler, Werner Gengelbach[64]Dieter Grau, Hans Gruene[65], Herbert Guendel[66], Fritz Haber[67]Heinz Haber, Karl Hager[68], Guenther Haukohl[69]Karl Heimburg[70], Emil Hellebrand[71]Gerhard B. Heller[72], Bruno Helm[73], Rudolf Hermann[74], Bruno Heusinger[75][76], Hans Heuter[77], Guenther Hintze[78]Sighard F. HoernerKurt HohenemserOscar HoldererHelmut Horn[79]Hans Henning Hosenthien [de], Dieter Huzel[80]Walter Jacobi, Erich Kaschig[81], Ernst Klauss[82], Theodore Knacke[83]Siegfried KnemeyerHeinz-Hermann Koelle, Gustav Kroll[84], Willi Kuberg[85]Werner Kuers[86], Hermann Kurzweg[87], Hermann Lange[88], Hans Lindenberg[89], Hans Lindenmayer[9Alexander Martin Lippisch (Aeronautical Engineer), Robert Lusser,  Hans Maus[91], Helmut Merk[92], Joseph Michel[93], Hans Milde[94], Heinz Millinger[95], Rudolf Minning[96], William Mrazek[97]Hans Multhopp[citation needed], Erich Neubert[98]Hans von Ohain (designer of German jet engines), Robert Paetz[99], Hans Palaoro[100], Kurt Patt[101], Hans Paul[102], Fritz Pauli[103], Arnold Peter[104], Helmuth Pfaff[105], Theodor Poppel[106], Werner Rosinski[107], Heinrich Rothe[108]Ludwig RothArthur RudolphFriedrich von Saurma [de], Edgar Schaeffer, Martin Schilling[109], Helmut Schlitt[110], Albert Schuler[111, August Schulze[112], Walter Schwidetzky[113]Ernst Steinhoff, Wolfgang Steurer[114]Heinrich StruckErnst StuhlingerBernhard TessmannAdolf ThielGeorg von Tiesenhausen, Werner Tiller[115], JG Tschinkel[116], Arthur Urbanski[117], Fritz Vandersee[118]Richard Vogt, Woldemar Voigt (designer of Messerschmitt P.1101), Werner Voss[119], Theodor Vowe[120]Herbert A. Wagner, Hermann Rudolf Wagner[121], Hermann Weidner[122]Georg Rickhey – director of the slave labour Mittelwerk factory, Walter Fritz Wiesemann[123], Philipp Wolfgang Zettler-Seidel.[124], (see List of German rocket scientists in the US).

Architecture: Heinz Hilten[125] and Hannes Luehrsen.[126]

Electronics – including guidance systemsradar and satellitesWilhelm Angele [de][127]Ernst Baars [de], Josef Boehm[128]Hans Fichtner, Hans Friedrich[129], Eduard Gerber[130]Georg GoubauWalter HaeussermannOtto Heinrich Hirschler[131], Otto Hoberg[132], Rudolf Hoelker[133]Hans HollmannHelmut Hölzer, Horst Kedesdy[134]Kurt Lehovec, Kurt Lindner[135], JW Muehlner[136]Fritz MuellerJohannes PlendlFritz Karl PreikschatEberhard ReesGerhard Reisig[137], Harry Ruppe[138]Heinz Schlicke, Werner Sieber[139], Othmar Stuetzer[140], Albin Wittmann[141], Hugo Woerdemann[142]. Albert Zeiler[143]Hans K. Ziegler

Material Science (high temperature):  Klaus Scheufelen [144] and Rudolf Schlidt.[145]

Medicine – including biological weapons, chemical weapons, and space medicine: Theodor Benzinger [de], Rudolf Brill [de], Konrad Johannes Karl BüttnerRichard LindenbergUlrich Cameron Luft [de], Walter SchreiberHubertus Strughold, Hans Georg Clamann, and Erich Traub.

Physics: Gunter Guttein, Gerhard Schwesinger,[146] Gottfried Wehner, Helmut Weickmann,[147] and Friedwardt Winterberg.

Chemistry and Chemical engineering, Helmut Pichler, Leonard Alberts, Ernst Donath, Josef Guymer,[148] Hans Schappert, Max Josenhaus, Kurt Bretschneider,[149] Erich Frese

Similar operations

  • APPLEPIE: Project to capture and interrogate key Wehrmacht, RSHA AMT VI, and General Staff officers knowledgeable of the industry and economy of the USSR.[150]
  • DUSTBIN (counterpart of ASHCAN): An Anglo-American military intelligence operation established first in Paris, then in Kransberg Castle, at Frankfurt.[151][152]: 314
  • ECLIPSE (1944): An unimplemented Air Disarmament Wing plan for post-war operations in Europe for destroying V-1 and V-2 missiles.[152][153]: 44 
  • Safehaven: US project within ECLIPSE meant to prevent the escape of Nazi scientists from Allied-occupied Germany.[17]
  • Field Information Agency; Technical (FIAT): US Army agency for securing the “major, and perhaps only, material reward of victory, namely, the advancement of science and the improvement of production and standards of living in the United Nations, by proper exploitation of German methods in these fields”; FIAT ended in 1947, when Operation Paperclip began functioning.[152]: [1]
  • On April 26, 1946, the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued JCS Directive 1067/14 to General Eisenhower instructing that he “preserve from destruction and take under your control records, plans, books, documents, papers, files and scientific, industrial and other information and data belonging to … German organizations engaged in military research”;[16]: 185  and that, excepting war-criminals, German scientists be detained for intelligence purposes as required.[154]
  • National Interest/Project 63: Job placement assistance for Nazi engineers at Lockheed, Martin Marietta, North American Aviation, and other aeroplane companies, whilst American aerospace engineers were being laid off work.[27]
  • Operation AlsosOperation BigOperation EpsilonRussian Alsos: Soviet, American and British efforts to capture German nuclear secrets, equipment, and personnel.
  • Operation Backfire: A British effort at recovering rocket and aerospace technology, followed by assembling and testing rockets at Cuxhaven.
  • Fedden Mission: British mission to gain technical intelligence concerning advanced German aircraft and their propulsion systems.
  • Operation Lusty: US efforts to capture German aeronautical equipment, technology, and personnel.
  • Operation Osoaviakhim (sometimes transliterated as “Operation Ossavakim”), a Soviet counterpart of Operation Paperclip, involving German technicians, managers, skilled workers and their respective families who were relocated to the USSR in October 1946.[155]
  • Operation Surgeon: British operation for denying German aeronautical expertise to the USSR, and for exploiting German scientists in furthering British research.[156]
  • Special Mission V-2: April–May 1945 US operation, by Maj. William Bromley, that recovered parts and equipment for 100 V-2 missiles from a Mittelwerk underground factory in Kohnstein within the Soviet zone. Major James P. Hamill co-ordinated the transport of the equipment on 341 railroad cars with the 144th Motor Vehicle Assembly Company, from Nordhausen to Erfurt, just before the Soviets arrived.[157] (See also Operation BlossomBroomstick ScientistsHermes project, Operations Sandy and Pushover)
  • Target Intelligence Committee: US project to exploit German cryptographers.

RADIO INTERVIEW OF OCTOBER 8, 2020:  I was interviewed further by Stewart Best. The show was a continuation of my interview from September 23, 2020. It touched on the Nazis, UFOs, and attempts to build a Fourth Reich in Antarctica and America. It also discusses President Trump getting COVID-19. The direct link to the radio show is–glitches-in-the-matrix.


When I went looking for a picture to add to Figure 3 I had not yet heard of the book Alien World Order, or of it’s author, Len Kasten.  First I found the matrix, then I found Kasten’s book and saw that it described most of my beliefs about UFOs and Nazis. That’s not to say that I agree with everything that he says. He blames Reptilians for just about every evil act that anyone ever did. He offers no proof for the claim. He needs to supply it.



Figure 6 above. The axis term UNITED STATE does not bode well for America.

When you look at the spreadsheet for Figure 6 notice that the two most significant key words are PERVERTER and LITTLE ONES. The fact that UNITED STATE, USA, GOVERNMENT, PERVERTER and UFO  are all at the same absolute skip is not an accident.  We need to eliminate the gay/transgender leadership from our government. President Trump began to do just that almost .immediately by declaring that our Government will (under his term) only recognize two genders – male and female.

The word SKY touches UFO. A hard to accept truth is attached to the use of UFO here. Aliens are here now. They work with Nazis or their descendants who, via Operation Paperclip, have penetrated our government. Based on two people that I have met who claim to be aliens (one of them, Craig Ebrahimi, claims it directly, with the other – a woman in Lakeland, Florida, we need to be very careful what her presence implies. While the woman seemed innocent enough, I have a lot of evidence on  this site that points to Craig as the original source of Covid-19. There is evidence that suggests aliens have infiltrated our government, but it is easier to show that Nazis have played major roles there too. While not statistically spectacular, the word NAZI is parallel to the five terms at a skip of +/- 17,000. Two of its letters are found inside the UNITED STATE which may be singular to tell us that the states will eventually dissolve leaving us with one Nazi state. The leaders work with Nazis or their descendants who, via Operation Paperclip, have penetrated our government.

Spreadsheet for Figure 6: Odds against finding Figure 6 by chance are over 1.7 million to 1. The Trump Administration is working hard  to keep perversion away from Little Ones.


Odds against finding Figure 6 by chance are over 1.7 million to 1. The first thing you’ll probably notice about the matrix axis term (the first term found encoded) is that it is a transliteration for UNITED STATE instead of UNITED STATES. While it really pains me to say it, after 34 years of military service in the U.S. Coast Guard and Navy, I believe that the United States was killed when Biden was elected President. If you voted for him, or for any Democrat legislators, you were part of the conspiracy to murder America. Hopefully President Trump can resurrect it. What am I talking about?

Think about it. Nations go to war over energy, especially oil. On Biden’s first day in office he killed the Keystone Pipeline and America’s energy independence. Biden then stopped construction of our border wall. The Chinese, who helped bring us COVID, also mass murder Americans by mass producing Fentanyl. They ship it to the drug cartels in Mexico who then smuggle it into what was the United States. Specifically they bring it in via holes in the unfinished wall that are unfinished because of all the Trump haters who were more interested in throwing out Trump than electing someone who is loyal to America. The result is that if you voted for Biden you voted to poison and in most cases kill over 100,000 America per year – about twice as many Americans as were killed in the entire Vietnam War.

Is the Code’s Author trying to tell us anything else by using the absolute skip of the axis term? Yes. GOVERNMENT is also at skip -17,000. This is also true for PERVERTER and UFO. What is our government perverting? Our LITTLE ONES which are in the open text of a line that has the first letter of PERVERTER. The reference to LITTLE ONES is from Deuteronomy 21:12.  Looking at several different translations with options capitalized this verse begins with:

Gather together the people – the men, the women, and the LITTLE ONES, SMALL CHILDREN or CHILDREN , and the ALIEN, STRANGER, SOJOURNER, or FOREIGNER who is WITHIN YOUR GATES, IN YOUR TOWNS or IN YOUR CITIES.

NAZI RAID ON MAR-A-LAGO. The date 8-8-2022 will go down in history like 9-11-2001. It was the day that the Nazis (Fourth Reich) felt secure enough in running our Government to storm President Trump’s house. They stole the 2020 election. The raid was a follow-up exercise aimed at assuring that Trump will neither get nominated, nor elected. It will be discussed in greater detail after analyzing Figure 7 and its probability spreadsheet.


Figure 7 above. The spreadsheet for it is below.  The axis term is TRUMP RAIDED. Odds against finding this matrix were about 333,345 to 1 for the full (638-letter) matrix but just 5,210 to 1 for the 210-letter portion that includes NAZI at skip -1 above  Trump, WRAY at the same skip as (but opposite direction) as TRUMP RAIDED, and UFO at the same skip as TRUMP RAIDED. Here’s the spreadheet.



What did the FBI gain by its robbery of  Trump’s house? Before their crime, although I had twice voted for Trump, I wasn’t thrilled with his performance on January 6, 2021, but I though Biden stole the 2020 election  from Trump. Although I once admired the FBI, I came to view them as a Fourth Reich asset, loyal to all things Nazi (and/or Communist or Reptilian) as Figure 1 hints strongly at. I am pleased to see President Trump Wray with Kash Patel in 2025. I hope he will totally clean house.

The FBI is not the only force in our Government that’s out of control.  The IRS was expanded by addition of 87,000 more agents who only serve all corruption in our government. Trump fired many of the worst in his first two week in office.

On the matrix above the term UFO touches TRUMP RAIDED. Trump supposedly wanted to disclose their presence on Earth, but listened to their pleas to continue the cover-up. That was a near fatal mistake. The UFO cover-up is at the core of the rot in our Government. It allows the Fourth Reich, enabled by Operation Paperclip in 1947, to continue its Nazi infiltration and control of everything our nation does. There were two attempts to assassinate Trump in 2024. He must wipe these people out before they can try to get to him again.

REVIEW OF ALIEN WORLD ORDER. When looking for a relevant picture to add to Figure 1 I came across the cover of Len Kasten’s book. It seemed to exactly fit my findings and beliefs at the time so I ordered the book and doubled my efforts to find a complete matrix that summarized the situation. That’s Figure 1 above. It may grow in size. My summary of Kasten’s book is below.  The summary of Kasten’s beliefs is based on what is found on the back cover of his book although there seems to be a chapter missing or expunged (by the CIA?). I have written to the publisher to ask for clarification. The book should discuss the assassination of President Kennedy, but he is missing except for on the back cover. My comments are given in indented italics. As of December 18, 2022 the publisher has not responded to my e-mail or to phone calls.


PUBLISHER: Shares new documents to expose the sinister alien influence in world governments, financial systems, and scientific institutions throughout history

ROFFMAN: Attention needs to be paid to which  governments besides our own have contact. If we don’t know who does and who could gain nuclear weapons or other WMD from ETs.  We could experience a false flag war where we would make a wrong choice and be wrongly dragged into World War 3. This was apparently actually attempted on January 13, 2018 when on their cell phones Hawaiians received warnings of inbound missiles. It took 38 minutes to tell them that they would survive what they were then told was false alarm, however, according to Michael Salla, there were many who said that they actually saw the inbound missile or missiles shot down. Allegedly the attack was initiated by a Nazi-Reptilian Dark Fleet Alliance.

PUBLISHER: Shows how Eisenhower’s treaty with the Greys, signed at Holloman Air Force Base in 1954, gave the aliens authority to abduct humans for “research”

ROFFMAN: That research, allegedly, included how to make hybrid-humans. I have met two people (Craig Ebrahimi and a woman in Lakeland, Florida) that claim to be from other worlds. The woman said that in Earth orbit she personally was permitted to see a spaceship carrying small grays and hybrids. They were screaming in panic. Tall grays told her that their behavior was due to knowledge that Reptilians would use them for food.  

PUBLISHER:  Reveals how Reptilian-influenced ex-Nazis infiltrated the U.S. government.

ROFFMAN: This began with Operation Paperclip which brought 1,600 Nazi scientists to America. The top ones are listed above in this chapter. It included Werhner Von Braun who built America’s Saturn 5 moon rocket. We are going to need definitive evidence about how this infiltration impacted the Kennedy assassination. President Trump signed an Executive Order to release classified information about the Assassination, but it remains to be seen if that will include the UFO aspect of the story.

PUBLISHER: Explains how the Reptilians have created alien-human hybrids under their control to replace the human population.

ROFFMAN: Aside from using some of these hybrids for food, the important thing to understand is that there are aliens on Earth who are working to replace/murder us.  While it may be true that not all aliens are hostile, this assumption must be proven. Of the two likely aliens that I know personally, the woman seems very friendly, but the other one (Craig) has given me evidence that suggests he is responsible for getting the COVID-19 virus to the Chinese Army. The evidence is well-documented on my web site and in this book. So far (in January, 2025) this has cost over 18 million human lives. More than a million of them were Americans. For us to accept the”good” ETs they need to identify themselves and register with their local governments. If they accept these conditions laws need to be enacted to protect them. But if large numbers ignore these requirements. I suspect that the number of ETs on Earth will be above a million. Due to the large number of people who go missing here every year, we’re also going to need honest information about previous and recent or current abductions.

PUBLISHER: Long ago, the Galactic Federation sent the Atlans, a fierce group of humans from the Pleiades, to Earth to confront the newest colony of the combative ever-spreading alien race known as the Reptilians. The ensuing battle sank the continent of Lemuria and drove the Reptilians underground beneath the Indian subcontinent as well as to Antarctica. Able to shapeshift to appear human, the Reptilians then infiltrated the Atlantean civilization, abducting humans and creating Reptilian hybrids. As Len Kasten shows, this technique of infiltration and hybridization prior to an all-out attack has been the hallmark of Reptilian conquest throughout the galaxy.

Chronicling the history of the Reptilian Empire’s influence on Earth and their conquest of 21 star systems, Kasten reveals how the human race is enmeshed in a skillfully concealed plot to enslave humanity and exploit our planet’s physical and biological resources. Revealing Hitler’s pact with extraterrestrials and the Reptilian influence on the Nazi state, he shares new documents that disclose the rescue and rehabilitation of Nazi war criminals to assist in the Cold War, which then corrupted many U.S. government institutions. Focusing on crucial events in the decade after World War II, he examines the Reptilians’ human allies, the Illuminati, who control the levers of financial, technological, and military power throughout the world through various secret societies. He shows how Eisenhower’s treaty with the Greys, signed at Holloman Air Force Base in 1954, gave the aliens permission to take humans up to their spaceships, ostensibly for genetic study–in return for alien technology–and how these abductions led to the creation of a hybrid race under Reptilian mind control.

ROFFMAN: Here Kasten touches on my greatest concern. For most of my 77-year life in presidential elections I see-sawed  back and forth between our two major parties. But then Obama was elected and the Democrat Party took an extreme hard left turn.

When Biden ended the sanity that had made an all too brief return under Trump, it was obvious to anyone with half a brain that from Day One (January 20, 2021) when Biden took over and destroyed our energy system thus ensuring insane inflation, Biden had a single goal – to destroy the United States. Over and over again this nut case idiot destroyed our Southern Border, let in millions of unknown people including criminals, terrorists and people infected with COVID, and he surrendered in Afghanistan for no reason. He armed the Taliban with $85 billion in arms so they could slaughter the allies (like translators) and hundreds of Americans that he left behind. We all watched as those abandoned climbed onto the sides of jet transports during takeoff efforts. We saw them fall to their deaths as the planes tried to flee the hell Biden had created. I could go on, but there was no concern by Biden for the demonic world that he rushed to make worse on a daily basis. And yet…  most Democrats showed zero comprehension of what was going on. Worse still, somehow America managed to increase the strength of Democrats controlling the Senate, although (thank God) we were able to vote Pelosi and her Democrat/Communist comrades out of control of the House.

About half of America has plainly lost its mind. You cannot reason with them. A symptom of their illness is that they refuse to debate anyone who doesn’t agree with their extremist positions. They cannot begin to comprehend the word patriotism. If you try to use the term to justify any Republican poinof view they will only hear the word fascism.

I know that the knee-jerk response to my charge (and Kasten’s too) that the Democrats have lost control of their minds is that we are the crazy ones. In fact, the idea that people who see UFOs are crazy is a policy that the CIA came up with in 1947 to suppress the Roswell event and similar events later. The CIA was formed on September 18, 1947  (less than 3 months after Roswell).

PUBLISHER: He also explains how Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA because of his plans to rout out this Nazi–Reptilian presence.

ROFFMAN: Something appears to be very wrong here! I received my copy of Alien World Order on December 8, 2022. Other than the above exact words on the back cover, I did NOT see any reference to Kennedy in the Table of Contents, Index or anywhere else in the book after reading it. Is it possible that the CIA could have printed their own censored version of the book and then substituted it for the real deal??? Or are we  just dealing  with a publisher who accidentally cut out a chapter or fraud by someone who wanted to increase sales via a little false advertising?

There was a lot of talk about  how the CIA became overrun by Nazis. Page 255 to 256 quotes Eisenhower’s farewell address on January 17, 1961. In it he harshly condemned the the military-industrial complex. But he never spoke about who it is was in them that constituted the threat to our liberties or democratic processes. After quoting the alarming part of Ike’s speech, Kasten writes, “What Ike didn’t say, and what he couldn’t say, but what he probably knew, was that the military-industrial complex was now  riddled with ex-Nazis with an agenda in service to the Fourth Reich!” That’s how Chapter 20 ends. Chapter 21 is entitled The Fourth Reich. The CIA is in it. Both Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles are in it too. But there is no mention of Kennedy or of James Jesus Angleton in it. I actually looked for Angleton  first because in Kennedy’s Last Stand (2013) author Michael Salla named him as the man who ordered the assassination.  What positions did the characters above hold?  Allen Dulles was Director of the CIA from February 26, 1953 to November 29, 1961, John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State from January 26, 1953 to April 22, 1959.  James Jesus Angleton (December 9, 1917 – May 11, 1987)[1] was chief of counterintelligence for the CIA from 1954 to 1974. His official position within the organization was Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Counterintelligence (ADDOCI). There is an hour film about Angleton posted at

The failure to mention Kennedy looks like a crime (fraud) but it remains to be seen as to whether it was committed by the publisher to sell more books, or by the CIA or FBI to hide the truth about the Kennedy Assassination. I attempted to call the publisher (Bear & Bear in Rochester, VT) about 7 times. Calls before 2 PM were taken by Tracy at an answering service. Calls after 2 PM were taken by Cindi who works for the publisher.  She first gave me an email address for Jon who would know what happened. But when I wrote to him all I got was a Delivery Status Notification (Failure). On December 19, 2022 I spoke to Cindi again about this problem. All she would do about it was to promise to forward a letter about the problem to the author, Len Kasten. As for Jon, she said that since the Covid plague struck he worked from home, as did most company employees. My letterwent unanswered and Cindi would not discuss the matter any more.

As the government has part of the Kennedy investigation classified as TOP SECRET since 1963, my bet is that they have committed this crime to protect the assassins and keep the coverup about aliens going, but this remains to be proven. The initial finding comes at a time that Elon Musk is exposing how Twitter lied to us to protect government criminals (including senile President Biden – who should have been impeached).

The Smithsonian Magzine on December 16, 2022 reports that, “The government is still withholding 515 full (classified) documents, as well as parts of 2,545 documents… Officials will review the remaining records in the coming months and determine whether anything else can be released by June 2023, reports the Hill’s Zach Schonfeld. A 1992 law required the release of all government records pertaining to the assassination by October 2017, but Biden and President Donald Trump pushed that deadline back.”

PUBLISHER: Contrasting the Reptilians with the benevolent Ebens, the aliens from Zeta Reticuli who crashed at Roswell, Kasten exposes the stealthy tactics of the Reptilians, their relationship with the Greys, and their advanced genetic bio-technology and teleportation abilities–as well as what we need to do to defeat their plans.

ROFFMAN: Evidently our government also has teleportation abilities. See the U.S. Air Force Teleportation Physics Study (AFRL-PR-ED-TR-2003-0034) by Eric W. Davis.

It sounds like the woman in Lakeland claiming to be alien has experience with teleportation, though it was instituted by ETs rather than human Earthlings (Pleiadians are also allegedly human). She spoke about people fleeting a planet destroyed or about to be destroyed in the Pleiades. The  star she referred to is Miai which is about  380 +/- 10 light years from Earth. She did not know the name of the planet, or who destroyed it. Len Kasten names three planets that were destroyed in the Lyran star system. For names he offers Bila, Teka, and Merok. The brightest star in the Lyran system is Vega which is only about  25.04 +/- 0.07 light years from Earth. Referring to the work of Stewart Swerdlow, Reptilians get the blame for destroying not just Bila, Teka, and Merok, but also in our solar system, a planet (Maldek) between Mars and Jupiter that subsequently formed the asteroid belt, plus enough of the Martian atmosphere to drive people there underground.

Kasten claims the Reptilians have the capability and have used it to hollow out a planet and turn it into a death star complete with its own biosystem. Dinosaurs were brought along as food. For what it’s worth, Andrew Basiago, claims to have been a time traveler for the U.S. Government’s Project Pegasus and a passenger to Mars via so called “jump rooms.” Basiago claims that he saw at least one astronaut eaten alive by a dinosaur  (about 16 feet tall) on Mars. Belief that there is a common human-alien base on Mars is widespread throughout the UFO believers community.

The idea of Reptilians taking dinosaurs to Mars – a huge version of panspermia – is consistent with NASA/JPL photographs of primitive life taken on to Mars and seen by MSL Curiosity and MER Opportunity. What we see looks like bacteria, algae, fungi including puff balls, lichens and stromatolites. For proof of this see the 2019 R. Joseph article: EVIDENCE OF LIFE ON MARS? The Journal of Astrobiology asked my son (David Altair Roffman, PhD, physics) and I to write a review of the article. It is METEOROLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS: EVIDENCE OF LIFE ON MARS.

It might be possible for one form of primitive life to make it from Earth to Mars via an asteroid impact on ancient Earth and an assist by solar wind. But for multiple primitive species to make it there an assist by intelligent life is almost certainly needed. Basiago spoke about something like cows being there too. For that (and dinosaurs) a spacecraft or a jump room to get there would be an imperative.The jump room spoken about by Basiago was, she says, also used by the Lakeland lady.  Reptilians (and Grays) get a lot of credit for this technology. But Reptilians, who supposedly work with our government now once work for Hitler. It appears that via the Fourth Reich, they still serve evil That evil includes blowing up civilizations. The only way to keep them in place is to inform our people of the truth – right up to and including the Kennedy assassination. But may mean this may mean that we have to pay for it with a civil war.

The FBI is not the only force in our Government that’s out of control.  But, along with the IRS that was expanded by Biden’s addition of 87,000 more agents who will only serve all corruption in our government, they are the best place to start in the effort to drain the swamp. However, know this, on the matrix above the term UFO touches TRUMP RAIDED. Trump supposedly wanted to disclose their presence on Earth, but listened to their pleas to continue the cover-up. That was a near fatal mistake. The UFO cover-up is at the core of the rot in our Government. It allows the Fourth Reich, enabled by Operation Paperclip in 1947 to continue its Nazi infiltration and control of everything our nation did under Biden and Obama. By the way, more study is needed but there are 9-letter ELS trains in Torah meaning NAZI OBAMA  (skips -52,940, 57940, and 126,613) plus ELS trains meaning OBAMA (is) NAZI at skips 15 and 11,340,  but I only saw some of them pair well with REICH. No such match existed between Biden and NAZI, but a few matrices in Chapter 4 pointed to him being an alien (see Figures 11 and 17). Figure 11 has an axis term of ALIEN IN OUR GOVERNMENT at skip -81,218. This is at the same absolute skip as BIDEN and UFO.  Figure 17 has axis term BIDEN (is) ALIEN at skip -97,832 which is the same absolute skip as MARS, ENEMY and UFO. The Code is quite dependable when you know how to read and use it. Figure 11 in Chapter 4  is repeated below as Figure 8 in this chapter:

Alien in our Government

Figure 8. By far the most significant odds for Figure 8  (Figure 4 in Chapter 4), were just for the 120-letter area shaded in grey. Odds against this section of the matrix were 166,704 to 1. Odds against finding BIDEN with ALIEN IN  OUR GOVERNMENT in the 120-letter secction with a gray background were about 2,540 to 1,


For the last 4 years as of February, 2025, the chief Alien in our Government has been Biden, who often acted like he had only been on Earth for a few minutes.

HITLER’S REAL FATE AND OUR OWN DESTINY.  One of the major concerns that I have deals with he outcome of World War II. There is no question that the U.S. defeated Japan. A Hitler who committed suicide would also imply that we defeated Nazi Germany as well. While the history books support this view, since 1981 I have believed that the history texts are in error. I think that the man who shot himself in the head in Hitler’s bunker was not Hitler. Instead, it was his  duplicate and cook, August Wilhelm Bartholdi.


In 1981 I fought an interfaith custody battle that was covered in the world’s press. As is shown on my page about Hitler and the Vatican, I used 1933 New York Times press extracts about the Concordat between the Vatican and Hitler as ammunition to coerce the Vatican to annul the baptism of my older son; which was conducted against his will and mine at a time that I had joint custody of the boy, who is now an Orthodox rabbi. The New York Times covered my son’s story on September 22, 1981, but what they and all other new organizations didn’t know was how I had procured the one of a kind annulment. They knew the contents of the letter of annulment signed by Archbishop McCarthy of Miami, but they didn’t know about the Release from Liability that I signed it in exchange for the letter, which led to my acquiring what was effectively full custody of my son.

It was at this time, while conducting extensive research into the history of the Holocaust as I perused microfilm copies of the New York Times at the Florida International University Library, I came across an April 27, 1945 article  (dated April 26, 1945) entitled Hitler Imitator Reported Ready to Die in His Place. I followed the story via the New York Times out as far as 1949. Briefly, a former grocer, August Wilhelm Bartholdi was a double for Hitler, was poised to “die on the barricades” while the real Hitler escaped. Two days later (just after midnight on April 29, 1945) Hitler married Ava Braun. Germany had time to prepare the Hitler swap, whether by switching dental records or drilling Bartholdi’s mouth to match Hitler’s. But they didn’t have time to properly prepare a duplicate for his bride. The following day (April 30, 1945) was the alleged suicide. Russian troops found two bodies burned beyond recognition. They were supposed to be Hitler and Eva Braun. Later we learned that there was a match with Hitler’s dental records. But once in my life I heard (but could never confirm) that the female corpse found did not have a match with Eva Braun’s dental records, however this aspect of the story does not match what Wikipedia writes. They indicate that, “by 11 May 1945, the Soviets had already had Hitler’s dentist, Hugo Blaschke, and his dental technician confirm the dental remains found were Hitler’s and Braun’s .[64]

When the American troops arrived in Berlin they questioned the staff. All, except for two, said that it was Hitler who had died, but the New York Times reported that the maid and the chauffeur claimed it was the cook. However as I recall no name was given for the cook and it was unclear as to whether he was Bartholdi. By July of 1945 the Times was writing about unaccounted for U-boats that might be carrying Hitler, and by August of 1945 there were stories of U-977 being searched by U.S. Marines in Buenos Aires, Argentina. There was also a story of people seeing what looked like Hitler and Eva Braun coming ashore from U-944 elsewhere in Argentina, with them heading for Patagonia.

On October 7, 1945 on page 10 an article appeared in the New York Times entitled Hitler Believed Alive, Eisenhower Tells Dutch. He never recanted it. Over the next four years the Times covered a ruling that Hitler could not be proven dead for purposes of dividing his estate, and that a former Luftwaffe pilot (Peter Baumgart) had flown Hitler out of Berlin after he was reported to be dead. All of this was only of intellectual curiosity for me until I read in a now defunct newspaper, the Miami Times, about a U-boat (Sharkhunters) convention at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Key Largo, Florida. This was only about 25 miles from my home in Homestead, Florida. So I called the hotel and asked who was running the convention. The answer was, I  thought, perfect. It wasn’t a German. Rather it was an American historian named Harry Cooper.

Harry listened to my summary of events, and promised to call me back later in the day if he could learn anything from the German submariners. He didn’t return the call – not then anyway. But about two months later he did call back when the convention was long over, and when I had forgotten who he was. After refreshing my memory he informed me that he had learned that U-944 did indeed carry Hitler to Argentina. He put me on his mailing list (which, as a Coast Guard officer, I didn’t want since it meant that I was having Nazi literature mailed to my home, something that might affect my security clearance). He wanted me, a Jew, to join the group! And then, even better, he tried to convince me to travel to Argentina where he was going to dive at a U-boat wreck. This was at a ti me that General Galtieri was ruling the country.  He was a guy who was, in his head, still fighting World War 2 because he actually went to war with (and lost to) England when he invaded the Falkland Islands on April 2, 1982. Argentina’s nuclear power program was headed by Hitler’s prime bomb maker, and of course the Israelis had found Adolf Eichmann hiding there, captured him, and brought him back to Israel where they tried and executed him. Harry Cooper was probably no more than an ambitious historian, but I figured it was probably best to judge him based on his friends, and they were clearly German (and possibly Nazi) military men.  As such, I passed on the chance to learn more about his friends under the watch of General Galtieri.

Now, returning to the present (in 2025)  all of my research has led me to  believe that Hitler not only survived World War II, but I believe he has led a very productive (although quiet) life in South America and in German’s  underground fortifications in Antarctica. In conjunction with over 1,600 German/Nazi scientists brought to the United States under Operation Paperclip between 1945 and 1959, they slowly took over control of the America Government. Many were familiar with aliens and alien technology and some likely contributed to our research into time travel.  It was, if we believe Dr. Michel Salla and his book Kennedy’s Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MK-12 and JFK’s Assassination (2013), a Fourth-Reich American working for the CIA (James Jesus Angleton, Chief of Counter-Intelligence) who ordered the assassination of President Kennedy because the President wanted to disclose the presence of aliens on Earth.

Three days before Kennedy was sworn into office President Eisenhower made his farewell speech on TV. In it (on January 17, 1961, he said,  “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists an d will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together“.

The above speech should be compared with that of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on September 10, 2001. In the building that would would be attacked the following day along with the World Trade Center and four airliners, he identified  our sgreatest adversary as The Pentagon bureaucracy! The full speech 11 minute 42 secondspeech is at His identification of this enemy comes at 1 minute 34 seconds into the video. Meanwhile, if we believe Andrew Basiago, when Rumsfeld made his 2001 speech, he actually knew of the upcoming attack, and not just by a few hours before the planes smacked into their targets. Rumsfeld, we are told, knew about the pending disaster and its date – in 1971 – 3o years before the disaster! When he issued his critique he was not on active duty. He was the Pentagon’s highest bureaucrat – the Secretary of Defense.

The current democratic beaurocraps are so evil that they can’t even call what they did at Trump’s home  on August 8, 2022 a raid. They prefer us to stay stupid by simply saying that were enforcing a warrant or conducting a search.





This article is under construction but you can see the first two matrices now. I wouldn’t have suspected it 3 months ago, but the real enemy (maybe who controls Biden) – just might be the Fourth Reich. They are not adverse to starting a false flag nuclear war that is encoded with Obama (possibly a future President Michelle Obama). The first matrix has Atomic Holocaust tied in with Hawaii. Hitler, Fourth, Reich, and Chinese joint the party. The second matrix looks at who could win the 2020 election in a landslide.

OCTOBER 29, 2020: HITLER, 4TH REICH and the UFO are encoded with COVID-19. Why? The highway to hell was paved with good intentions. What is new today is the BOTTOM LINE and Figure 4, an update of the matrix AMERICA FALLEN. The U.S. is so divided that it might not matter who wins the election. We seem to be heading toward a civil war with CHINA (who deliberately sent us the plague) planning on devouring whoever wins.

OCTOBER 26, 2020: QUESTION: ARE OBAMA AND HITLER RELATED? Claims that Hitler was Obama’s grandfather seem absurd, but there is at least one matrix that strongly points this way. However, it’s easier to simply accept that the real father of Obama was Malcolm X.

OCTOBER 8, 2020: FLASH! I was interviewed further by Stewart Best. The show was a continuation of my interview from September 23, 2020. It touched on the Nazis, UFOs, and attempts to build a Fourth Reich in Antarctica and America. It also discusses President Trump getting COVID-19. The direct link to the radio show is glitches-in-the-matrix.


SEPTEMBER 24, 2020: I was interviewed for one hour last night on the NIGHT SHADOWS ONLINE RADIO SHOW with Stewart Best. To hear it click on the link just given. The show touched on the Nazis, UFOs, and attempts to build a Fourth Reich in Antarctica. You can access most or all of the slides I talked about at

COMMENT FROM LISTENER: Each time I hear about Antarctica and ufos I think of what my dad shared. He was in the navy on a transport ship, He said crafts or ufos did come out of the water during ww2 along their ship and also he said they did take officers to Antarctica to drop off there during ww2. He never said why. He may not have known why. He worked gunnery control fire unit coordinance for gunnery. I believe I shared this before with you awhile back. He also later he worked for state education and made many trips to Fort Huachuca. Very interesting/ who knows. God bless. Debra

SEPTEMBER 20, 2020: HITLER AND THE 4TH REICH. There is photographic, documentation and Torah Codes evidence that Hitler fakes his death and lived on in Antarctica, Argentina, and Colombia. His 4th Reich likely played a major role in American Government up to the present. See Figure 4. His followers are likely to be a major factor in the effort to bring down President Trump.


A fragment of World War 2 may have continued well past 1945 with Hitler very much alive. Dr Salla believes Aliens continued to work with Nazis hiding in a massive base in Antarctica. Hitler may have still been around to command UFOs overflying Washington from July 12, 1952 to July 29, 1952. Figure 4 is new.

AUGUST 16, 2018: Deputy Democratic National Chairman Keith Ellison, Hitler and Israel to Die.

DECEMBER 4, 2018: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Like Chancellor Hitler, Chooses Islam over Israel.

JANUARY 29, 2017: For the past 2 years NASA has closely followed my research about Mars, especially the Report and PowerPoint listed below for today’s date. But around December, 2016 one NASA site in California shifted its emphasis to track my ArkCode site in an obvious effort to understand the Torah Code and perhaps to examine the hypothesis that the Code might be an alien language. They were back again today looking at (among other things) whether Hitler survived World War 2. Although I last updated that article on 9/21/2014 it’s worth a look if you missed it before. Click here to read the article and be sure to not miss the film clip from the Jerusalem Post that supports my findings.

SEPTEMBER  21, 2014: Hitler Escaped?





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