Possible Reptilian Peace Treaty (12/15/ 2023)

As I have often written about, I have two acquaintances who claim to be extraterrestrials. One is a well-built but short guy named Craig Ebrahimi. He lives in Sooke, B.C., Canada, claims to have a 27-pound meteorite that has reptilian (alien) embryos in it, and I suspect that his meteorite is the original source of COVID 19. I would rate the evidence supporting his claim as good, but the nature of his character as bad. He has threatened my life. The two most important emails from him are shown after Figure 1 and  its probability spreadsheet. Odds against Figure 1 are about 20,628,900 to 1. The second person had no hard evidence  to support her claims, but great stories to tell. On December 6, 2023 certain inconsistent remarks caused me to downgrade my opinion to highly questionable. She might be an ET, but her stories were more consistent with a Reptilian, shapeshifting background than a Pleiadian background. I will update this article  if she provides the evidence required.

New on December 15, 2023: See below GROWING DOUBTS ABOUT REBECCA’S SPECIES.


Figure 1 above and its spreadsheet below.


In 1997 I read a book entitled THE BIBLE CODE by Michael Drosnin. It dealt with a predictive ELS (Equidistant letter Sequence) code in the first five books of the Bible (Torah). My initial purpose was to learn if the Code could be used by American intelligence agencies to save lives and enhance our nation’s security.

At first I idolized the pioneers of this field like Dr. Eliyahu Rips (an Israeli mathematician), Harold Gans (a U.S. Government Code breaker), and Dr. Robert Haralick (then Director of Graduate School Computer Science Division at the University of Washington in Seattle, and later at the City University of New York. Dr. Haralick wrote the foreword for my book, Ark Code, Searching for the Ark of the Covenant using ELS Maps  from the Bible Code. As decades passed, these other men devoted less time to Torah Codes research, and were stymied by a lack of powerful kosher Codes software. Codefinder (by Kevin Acres) was outstanding in its ability to find “wrapped” matrices where the computer could make more than one pass through the 304,805 letters of Torah. But most Code experts were Orthodox Jews and refused to use it  because the product also includes the New Testament. I’m a Modern Orthodox Jew but I overlooked the general taboo. Based on the number of defense-related hits that I get most days (often thousands – particularly from the Fort Huachuca Army Intelligence Base in Arizona, I think I can fairly assert that I am now (perhaps by default) the leading world authority on the Code. However, although I get better each day in reading and interpreting it, a serious  issue remains as to the identity of its Author. Was it/will it be God, an A.I. computer, a future military intelligence agency, an alien, or simply the first or an advanced life form?


From: Craig Ebrahimi craigebrahimi@hotmail.com

To: BarrySRoffman@gmail.com

Date: Jan 26, 2020, 12:55 PM (Saturday)

Subject: Fw: Extraterrestrial embryo discovered in meteorite UVIC BC

My name Craig Ebrahimi research scientist/ Founder Deviant off world technology.

Barry would you be interested in the research and biotechnology opportunity/ of the only pristine extraterrestrial embryo on the planet at the University of Victoria BC.

EMAIL FROM CRAIG AFTER A FIGHT: On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 4:43 PM Craig Ebrahimi <craigebrahimi@hotmail.com> wrote:”Guy your dumb ass shit keeps getting sent to mbe by one of your Hebrew followers,you got to be one the biggest dummie humans I ever came across you talk this shit in your writing ABOUT my biotechnology, once again your dumb! you don’t even know your dealing with fucking real extra-terrestrial self made multi millionaire since teens you idiot, if you looked into these eyes I would eat your soul puppet boy.”

CRAIG’S ORIGIN. At first I though he might be a hybrid with human and reptilian ancestry, but that would probably not be right because he seems too short. There is a picture of him wearing a uniform with a symbol that has been associated with the 4th planet out from the star Altair. Altair-4 is about 16 light years from Earth. These supercharged people are allegedly closely allied with evil reptilians. Craig’s apparent motivation for selling a poisonous virus is made clear in a number of emails – to a certain extent even in his threatening email of March 27, 2020 above – he is a (money hungry) self made multi millionaire since his teens. Allegedly Reptilian and Reptilian hybrids are attracted to red-haired humanoids, such as the Pleiadians often are.

REBECCA’S ORIGIN. The second potential extraterrestrial that I know for  11 years and had a working relationship with is Rebecca. She is a red-haired woman who claimed to be from a star system called Maia in the Pleiades, backed down from the claim.  Pleiadians are allegedly the most closely related ETs in terms of our common genetic past but they differ from us with respect to telepathic and telekinetic powers.

I will not yet use Rebecca’s full  name here because I don’t want to put her and/or her husband at unnecessary risk. She lives in a medium-sized Florida town about two or three hours away by car.  I have asked her for real evidence that would seal the deal. I want her to set up a meeting with ETs who are willing to discuss terms of UFO disclosure. Whereas Reptilians are often involved with abductions, the disclosure will likely have to include an admission of their guilt. To ensure that there is no general panic or violent reaction, the disclosure must include technology to heal diseases like cancer. Cures like it may be categorized as reparations.

Some of the planning meetings needed to pave the way will likely find that the toughest issue will be how to deal with human and/or corrupt beings (namely politicians) that have misled us and the rest of the world on issues ranging from Truman’s 1947 decision to help them hide their presence here, to Eisenhower’s 1954 agreement to allow for some abductions in exchange for weapons technology, to the Kennedy assassinations in 1963 and 1968, and to false charges placed against President Trump to aid his removal from office in 2021. These were all crimes against humanity. We can not assume our rightful place among the many civilizations out there in our universe without knowing the truth about our past.


WHY I ASKED REBECCA TO TRY TO SET UP A MEETING WITH REPTILIANS. In UFO literature reptilians are generally (but not always) painted as being evil while Pleiadians are usually portrayed as being good guys. I do not think it is wise to accept all Pleiadians as our allies until they allow for complete or at least close to complete disclosure. Rebecca did not succeed in her first attempt to gain disclosure from her fellow Pleiadians, though she claims that they and another species of aquatic ETs are still studying the proposal. Based on a number of stories about her friendly encounters will reptilians I have asked her to reach out to them and request a meeting. To my surprise, she reported that the name of one reptilian reviewing my request is THE NEGOTIATOR.  While this  exact term which requires 12 Hebrew letters at an ELS is not found, the axis term shown on Figure 1 is THE NEGOTIATION. It is 8 letters, but PEACE (4 letters) is before it in the same column. A full 12-letter ELS is a very rare find, but here REPTILIAN is at the same skip as PEACE and THE NEGOTIATION. Again, the full matrix was found against odds of about 4,760,515 to 1. It includes REBECCA at skip -2,404 touching the axis term THE NEGOTIATION at skip 2,403 with BARRY (my first name) at skip +1 crossing and sharing a letter bet with REBECCA. However, neither REBECCA nor BARRY were statistically significant. Both were easier to find than calling a coin toss correctly. However, the odds against REPTILIAN were significant at about 167 to 1.

REBECCA’S ENCOUNTERS WITH REPTILIANS. Rebecca is 70 years old now (in 2023) . Her first (remembered) contact with reptilians was when she was between 8 to 10 years old (about 1961 to 1963). She recalls at least two reptilians coming into her house. Her mother was temporarily paralyzed and could not move.  Rebecca remembers having no fear when they took her to their destination. I had to convince her that this was an abduction. She thought it was just a visit until I brought to her attention that her mother was restrained from helping her and she was really too young to make such a decision to go along with them. Reptllians, when not in a shape shift mode, are said to resemble Satan.

Although she said she had ET encounters with many other species she does not recall meeting reptilians or Reptilian-hybrids again until she was in her 50s between the years 2000 and 2010. Between 2000 and 2005 she was alledgly  transported into orbit in a small, single person, somewhat luxurious spacecraft. There she was shown small hybrid (human-Gray combination) children who were in a state of panic because they were on their way to be fed to Reptilians. Adult Grays explained that they had to follow Reptilian instructions because the Reptilians had blown up their (Gray) planet which I think she said was in Orion.

Rebecca’s first encounter with THE NEGOTIATOR was by remote viewing when she was staying on a ranch, again when she was in her 50s.  Her 2023 encounters include seeing two light beings dressed in gold and red robes who look somewhat human. They have sharp noses, but are not reptilian. This year she also reported seeing a telepathic ET who came out to meet her on a U.S. military base, and two other reptilian hybrids coming out of a Publix Supermarket in her home town. Based on that report and another about a 20-year old person in town who told her that he was panicking because of what was being revealed about aliens in a July 26, 2023 hearing in Congress. I suspect that her town is home for many ETs who just want to live a simple  but pleasant life in Florida.  I have not been made aware of any threat from them yet, and thus I hesitate to list her town. However, based on constant monitoring of my email, I’m sure that Fort Huachuca knows the town in question. If there is a dangerous alien threat, for now I’ll leave it to our government to address. On the other hand, I want the Canadian Government to continue monitoring Craig in his hometown of Sooke, B.C,. Canada because Craig claims to have found his 27-pound possibly COVID-19 laden meteorite buried under to mud in shallow water just off the coast of Sooke. He has locals working for him, and some bad friends. Elon Musk, who recently was criticized for anti-Semitic remarks, apparently visited Craig. The local press covered the Musk appearance, but Craig had several stories and a denial of the incident (after he had boasted about it). Reptilians supposedly provided much technical advise to Hitler from a joint Nazi base in Antarctica, and as I wrote in a recent article, they likely provided Hamas with the technical advise needed to sneak 3,000 terrorists out of Gaza and into Israel. Normally their crimes would make them my natural enemies, but I want to use my knowledge of what they are about as leverage to get their medical technology into the hands of honest companies who can help those in need.

GROWING DOUBTS ABOUT REBECCA’S SPECIES. By December 6, 2023 the problems with Rebecca’s initial childhood Reptilian contact story, her initial apparent lack of emotions when describing the imminent death fears of hybrid children about to be fed to Reptilians, the statement that a terrified 20-year old approached her with a fear of the consequences of a congressional hearing about our government possessing alien spacecraft, and her readiness to work for a joint disclosure planning conference all seemed a bit too friendly toward Reptilians. She argued a lot against Reptilians (or other species) abducting anyone. Rather she just wanted to describe such incidents as visits.

It was obvious that her husband was against me viewing her supposedly upcoming book release, around January, 2024. I was permitted to read a draft of her foreword about a year ago. As I have read in Elena Danaan’s books (page citation needed), Pleiadians supposedly reject Jesus. So I found her devotion to him to be beyond extreme while her inclusion of evidence about being from the Pleiades to be missing, but it was only the Foreword. I don’t withhold significant evidence in any research that I do. It bothered me that she was withholding such evidence from me. Her husband stated his belief that I should not get early access to the book because I am Jewish, and not a believer in Jesus. However my religion would not affect any editing that I might suggest. I have put a lot of time and energy into our friendship and working relationship. I would like to see her book succeed, despite her religious beliefs.  It will take more than Christian proselytizing to convince me. Success in setting up the disclosure conference would seal the deal, but I am setting the bar here high in that I am asking them to establish an honest relationship that includes admissions about past crimes against (and by) humanity. I cannot dismiss the idea that she is using a supposed Pleiadian/Christian belief system as a cover story for a real Reptilian identity.  It is easy to say yes to my request to set up the conference. If Reptilians have sent a special craft before to take her into orbit where they showed her their criminal behavior, they should be able to specifically respond to her request. She said she did see a UFO shortly after making the request, but she did not receive any kind of clear (telepathic or otherwise) response.

At one point around July to August, 2023 Rebecca called me while I was at my son’s house in Melbourne, FL.  Her husband got briefly on the phone and my wife asked him if he was an ET. He did not deny it (although he was more vague about it with me in an earlier conversation). He just said that he would tell us later.  Previously my wife and I had discussed our impressions that at times there seemed to be an almost military relationship between Rebecca and her husband with her husband in command, but they never did anything as obvious as Craig Ebrahimi did when he angrily posed for me while wearing what looked like a military uniform with an emblem on it that looked like that of the Altair Collective.

While I prefer to meet with the Reptilians because they are probably one of the greatest threats to Earth (there is also the viral threat introduced to Earth by Craig Ebrahimi), with respect to Rebecca I will settle for proof that she has an ET origin. A blood test or genetic analysis would work nicely. I don’t think a blood test can settle the issue of which planet she’s from, but it likely can suggest whether she does or does not have an off-world origin.

WHY OUR DEFENSE DEPARTMENT SHOULD NOT INTERVENE WITH MY EFFORT. DOD (the Department of Defense) knows damn well who I am, and not just because I served on active and/or reserve duty for a total of 34 years between 1967 and 2007 when I turned 60. My efforts here are designed to stop 4th Reich, Reptilian, or other secretive threats to Earth’s security and survival.

I have covered this story before, but since I’m concerned about my DOD nemesis interfering with my attempt to alter (or at least make us aware) of reality on Earth, please allow me to enlighten you or at least refresh your memories if you have heard this account before.


On August 1, 2016 I drove my son’s car from my home in Cape Canaveral, Florida to Wells Fargo to pay my mortgage, and then went on to the Cape Canaveral Public Library to return at least one book, and check out another. When I parked there was no other vehicle anywhere nearby. I was inside for not more than 5 minutes. When I came out a man had parked his car 2 spaces left of mine. He was not coming inside the library, but was in fact standing to the right of his car, essentially blocking access to the vehicle that I was using. He was waiting for me (see the location on Figure 2).


Joseph made sure to tell me his full name twice, spelling it for me the second time which was wise because I didn’t quite get it right the first time. I gave him my card, which read LT Barry S. Roffman, USCG-Retired, Martian Meteorology Research, along with included images of Mars as well as my phone numbers and web sites. He asked me if he could keep it. Frankly I found that a bit odd. His reaction to the card was almost akin to what would be expected if I were handing him a historical document like a copy of the Constitution.  He also indicated that he had an interest in meteorology.

Joe said he lived near the NSA in Maryland, but denied working for them although Army Intel might be a possibility since the Army Intelligence Base at Fort Huachuca, Arizona has read all my web sites almost daily since November, 2014 (including today in November, 2023).  Again, probably the strangest thing about the incident was that he seemed to know of the book that I had just checked out.  On Figure 2 above the axis term is SIGNAL FROM FUTURE.  JOSEPH is on the first line. His second name, here cut short at SAPPHIRE, is on the next line down at skip +1 (SAPPHIRE is in the open text in conjunction with urim). His full name adds a letter vav at the end.  The author of the book that Joseph caught me with, G. BEAR is at skip +1 three lines under SAPPHIRE. Go down another three lines and there is the word for BOOK at skip +1. All of this was found in 136 letters against odds of more than 17 million to 1. The full 152-letter matrix was found against odds of over 95 billion to 1.

Joseph came across as Army Intel. We discussed an article that I had up about Hillary Clinton and Edward Snowden.  It had an image of Clinton with the question Wanted for president?  Next to it was a photo of Snowden with the words Wanted for treason? I part ways with many in our Intelligence community here. I think Hillary was guilty of treason for how she handled e-mail. I believe Snowden was a hero and brought about much needed reform in how the NSA treats our citizens. There is another article about him at President Snowden? He is reshaping our law even now.

So how does all this relate to Joe? One of the first readers for the Clinton/Snowden story had an IP address for the Lincoln Technical Institute. Their street address is 9325 Snowden River Parkway, Columbia, Maryland. The reverse IP address for them was at Fort Huachuca, an Army Intel base in Arizona. I mentioned this to Joe, but I mispronounced the name of the fort – calling it HU-A-CHU-CA. He corrected me, telling me that HUA was one syllable. I asked him how he knew and he informed me that he was based there for three years. I told him that some of the IP addresses of my readers came up on the South Lawn of the White House, but I assumed that was just a generic point on the Google map for Washington. He immediately informed me that the South Lawn was where Marine One, the President’s helicopter landed. Again I asked him about how he knew that and he claimed to work with the chopper at the White House for four years! As for Fort Huachuca, they visit here so often that I have an article up about them entitled Fort Huachuca, Spies, MARS, and a Little Martian Humor.

The interview was not all entirely friendly. At one point he heard about how I was challenging NASA. I told him that I had published the names of scientists from the U.S., Netherlands, Canada, Belgium, (West) Germany, Taiwan, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Scotland, France, Sweden as well as from the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact ally Poland who had met in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan at the Third International Conference of Nondestructive Testing in March, 1960. I have seen evidence that this group was apparently trying to figure out how to back-engineer what was recovered in the Roswell Incident. It was at this point that Joe told me he had heard about someone like me who had his computer impounded by the Government who then loaded child pornography on it. They then prosecuted him for the porno. Joe said the man never owned a computer again.

My response wasn’t friendly. Joe said he was a Catholic. I told him about what I did to the Catholic Church after they baptized my older son against his will, and against mine. I forced them to change their doctrine and annul the baptism. Think I’m kidding? The annulment letter from Archbishop McCarthy of Miami is at http://arkcode.com/images/annument_letter.png and the press coverage in the Miami Herald is at http://arkcode.com/photo4_85.html. The press made it sound like they did me a favor. Actually, they gave me what I wanted because I was suing them for six million dollars, and they knew I would win. See the Release from Liability.  Note: the boy in question went on to earn an MIT geophysics degree, but despite initial orders to Space Command, he entered the Air Force as an Orthodox rabbi in the chaplain corps. My point in bringing up the custody battle was that I’m a bad guy to piss off and I don’t back off from a fight. That was the low point in our discussion, but it improved a lot from there – perhaps when we discussed the potential misuse of nanotechnology and/or AI. It was then that he first raised the issue of AI which David would surprisingly be forced to learn 4 months later in his post-doc at Yale. Joseph seemed to know about David’s future.

We spoke about people who claim that AI is a threat to human survival. Examples:

(1) ELON MUSK. In October, 2014, at MIT the SpaceX owner said, “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. He went on to say “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon.” A reptilian often looks like a demon.

(2) STEPHEN HAWKING. The professor said, I think the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.

(3) BILL GATES. “Humans should be worried about the threat posed by artificial Intelligence, He didn’t understand people who were not troubled by the possibility that AI could grow too strong for people to control.

When my encounter with Joe ended I asked him to contact me if he had any questions. At first he said he wouldn’t, but then he changed his mind and said he might. As I drove away I noticed that his car had Maryland plates. He did not, while in my view, leave the area in the space next to the right of his car. He certainly did not make any attempt that I could see to enter the library. Based on that my son and I have had discussions about the relative difficulty of moving a signal back in time vs. opening a wormhole large enough for a person. On this issue, physics aside, I would point out that the axis term on Figure 2 is SIGNAL FROM FUTURE (not PERSON from future), however on Figure 2A I can place SAPPHIRE in a 55-letter box with TIME COP or TIME POLICEMAN as the axis term

TIME COP 2AFigure 2A above: TIME COP (Policeman) with Sapphire’s name plus the missing letter.

If he is from the future then his excitement about receiving my card may indicate that he knows I will succeed.  Since I believe that he did show knowledge of the future, I think it is possible to obtain military backing to accomplish my goals. However, there are strongly opposed military opinions about the wisdom of disclosure. If I succeed in getting Reptilian or other ET support for disclosure I may have to initially settle for something less than full disclosure.

Here I want to make a few things clear about what happened when I checked out Slant by Greg Bear. On June 30, 2017 I went back to the library to look for the book and check on records there pertaining to when I read it and what its circulation looked like since they acquired it. Initially I couldn’t recall the book’s name or author. I only remembered the gray cover, but I quickly found it in the science fiction section. Oddly, the librarian told me that the book had not been checked out since March, 2016 – 5 months before I read it. And it had only been checked out 8 times since they bought it in 2009. Could I have been wrong about when I read it? No. After my encounter with Joe I remember considering taking my son’s car into the shop for an oil change with the real intention of looking under it to see if a tracking device had been attached that allowed Joe to follow me to the library. I only had the car back from Gainesville, Florida for a few weeks since David finished his doctorate, and I felt like an oil change was due anyway. However I didn’t go for the change because I believed that if I was being tracked it would more likely have been via my cell phone. However, when I went back to the library on June 30, 2017, it was in search of a more out-of-the-box solution to the question of how Joe knew when and where to find me and, perhaps, what I would be reading. If we are not dealing with an actual time traveler, we are almost certainly dealing with a meeting set up due to a signal sent back from the future, although on Figure 2A the man who matched well with SIGNAL FROM FUTURE also matches well with TIME POLICEMAN.

THE NAZI CONNECTION. On Figure 2 SIGNAL FROM FUTURE is crossed by REICH. This is probably not an accident.  While President Truman  probably did not deliberately mean to jump start a Fourth Reich when, under Project Paperclip, he admitted 1,600 Nazi scientists (including Wernher von Braun who built America’s Saturn V moon rockets).

IS THERE ANY LINK BETWEEN FORT HUACHUCA, NAZIS AND ALIENS? Certainly in my first contact with JOSEPH SAPPHIRE, his threat to put child porn on my web site was beyond any military powers inherent in our Constitution. I have never been to Fort Huachuca, and Joseph Sapphire has not ever said anything since our initial encounter that I saw as threatening. We parted on friendly terms. But Figure 3 below has axis term HUACHUCA, REPTILIAN, UFO and CHINA at the same absolute skips. SONS OF ANAK (giants mentioned in the Bible), MILITARY/ARMY and BARACK H are at skip +1 with FROM A NAZI connecting  them.

Huachuca reptilians

FIGURE 3 Above – The Torah Code relates FORT HUACHUCA to REPTILIAN and UFO. There are several online articles that point to an underground Reptilian base at the Fort (coordinates 31.576201N, -110.406826W – see https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread440276/pg1).

Elena Danaan a possible ET herself and major writer in the field of UFOs writes,

ARIZONA: Fort Huachuca: Here is one of the main underground hangars for spaceships. This facility is a landing point for incoming Ciakahrr (Reptilian) contingents and a central deserving a vast amount of other facilities. It serves as well as a training facility. / Gates Pass: armament and technical storage facility, turning ground for Terran slaves dispatching. / Gila mountains: experimentations on soul scalping and genetics. /Santa Catalina mountain: Genetic experimentations, armament and technical storage facility. / Grand Wash Cliffs / Green Valley /Hualapai and Rincon mountains /Mt Lemmon /Page /Safford

Some contend that there are nine different types of UFOs stored underground. Of greater concern are stories about the type of food provided to reptilians. The Fort is about 15 miles from the Mexican border. Many people who penetrate it go missing once they have made it into Arizona. If there is any truth to such rumors it will be harder to enlist the Fort into disclosure efforts unless many of them are religious in terms of Judaeo-Christian beliefs.



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