This chapter reveals all emails to and from a man that claims to be an extraterrestrial alien.  It focus on whether or not he is the source of COVID-19. It documents everything he wrote to me by email or said to me for over almost a year. His claim is related to remnants of life on the 27-pound meteorite that he recovered from the seafloor in the Straights of Juan DeFuca off his current hometown of Sooke, British Columbia, Canada between March 1 and March 6, 2018.

The email Source material is for the period February 16, 2019 until September 16, 2020 with Craig Ebrahimi below is being edited to just deal with issues related to why Craig is being suspected of having spread Covid-19 around the Earth. There were also frequent phone calls that I discuss, but they were not recorded by me so their accuracy is related to how good my memory is.


Times given are for different time zones. I gained access to Emails written by Craig before January 26, 2020 because he forgot to delete them. He was quite angry when he realized what he had done, but the cat was out of the bag. While they didn’t speak with me about any of them, I could trace many (if not almost all my readers) to DOD.  Hopefully the Trump Admionistration can use some of what is included below to go after Anthony Fauci, a criminal who had to be pardoned by false President Biden in the last 15 minutes while he illegally occupied the office of President.

On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 2:52 PM Craig Ebrahimi <> wrote: Yes it is fossil E.T

From: Naveen Jain <>
Sent: February 16, 2019 3:36 PM

To: Craig Ebrahimi <>
Cc: <

Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: Discovery in a Meteorite uvic bc

Interesting. I will love to see it. Are you selling it.


Naveen Jain
Founder & CEO, Viome, Inc.
M: 425-830-6556


MAY  10, 2019 4:23 pm from Dr. Humphrey to Craig, later forwarded to Barry on Thu, February 6, 2020. BARRY THIS FOSSIL INVISIBLE TO MOST MICROSCOPES.

From: Elaine Humphrey <> Sent: May 10, 2019 4:23 PM To: Craig Ebrahimi <> Subject: sem today Hi Craig. I managed an hour or so on the sem today under my own time to look at the brown rock. I consolidated the files I have on Dropbox into one folder. The May 10 2019 folder is all I took today. The iphone pictures show the white spots and the sem pictures do not. The sem pictures with PDBSE in the base line are backscattered images showing the different grains in the in the rock. The attached and the eds images of the same spot seem to have no correlation at all.  rock is interesting! I think I may have mentioned this before! Best wishes for your help.


PS: there was no waiting for the sem to pump down.  I’ve returned the rock to the vacuum.

Fri, 17 May 2019 at 00:13.

Hi Chandra (Wickramasinghe). I have a client, Craig Ebrahimi, who brought in a meteorite. At first it looked like gabbro but the chemical analysis (by Act labs) proved it to be a meteorite. I understand that he sent you thin sections, outside crust, a piece of the rock with an embryo fossil in a white circle. I have a very small sample for sem and eds. Craig suggested that if you have finished with his samples, is it possible to send them to me. Since I will be in the UK at the end of June for a month, I could pick them up. If you are still working with them, please keep us in the loop. Many thanks for your help.

Best wishes


Dr. Elaine C. Humphrey

Fellow of Microscopy Society of America

Past President Microscopical Society of Canada

May 20, 2019 Dear Elaine

Unfortunately, the meteorite package was left in a shed near our house and it appears to have been stolen.  I do not have it anymore.

Sorry about this.



Chandra Wickramasinghe

Honorary Professor University of Buckingham, Buckingham, UKHonorary Professor University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka

Honorary Professor Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka

Buckingham astrobiology website: astrobiology website:

Personal website:


May 20, 2019 at 1:15:13 PM PDTFrom: Chandra Wickramasinghe <>
Date: May 20, 2019 at 1:15:13 PM PDT
To: Elaine Humphrey <>
Subject: Re: meteorite

Hi Elaine. Our house was in chaos after some international travel, so I store all valuable things in an outhouse.  Some months back I discovered that many things including the box with the meteorite had disappeared.  I was waiting to get a colleague to handle the experiments on this but it never happened. Sorry about this – not my fault.

Best Chandra

Prof. Chandra

May 20, 2019 1:32 PM

From: Elaine Humphrey <>
Sent: May 20, 2019 1:32 PM
To: Craig Ebrahimi <>
Subject: Fwd: meteorite FYI.  Sent from my iPhone

Mon, 20 May 2019 at 18:15, Elaine Humphrey <> wrote:

Chandra. Oh dear, that’s too bad. Did you get any information out of them before they were stolen? If so, have you published them?


Sent from my iPhone

JULY 15, 2019**The date of the film is uncertain,

From: Jerzy Sawicki <>
Sent: July 15, 2019 2:54 PM
To: Craig Ebrahimi
Subject: Re: raman This was a forwarded e-mail originally from someone named George. DEVIANT OFFWORLD FILM CLIP

From: Karen Ziegler

Sent: September 6, 2019 1:08 PM

To: Craig Ebrahimi
Subject: Oxygen isotope analyses of your rocks

Hi Craig,

No, we can’t do organics here. Sorry. In terms of oxygen isotopes, definitely neither one of your rocks is martian. Based only on my results they could be:  lunar (or E-chondrites, but they don’t appear to be chondrites,  D17O values are typical for the moon You need to know the mineralogy and the mineral chemistry in order to determine which of these types they could be. Do you have EMPA analyses of the minerals?? Mn/Fe ratios (see attached figure)?

Let me know what you think?




There have been many claims that the occurrence of pandemic influenza and other viral outbreaks is correlated with the well-known 11-year sunspot cycle1–3 although the precise mechanism for such a causative connection had remained unclear…The next minimum between the current cycle 24 and cycle 25 was predicted to occur between July 2019 and September 2020 (Figure 1). Perhaps, we have now approached the deepest sunspot minimum for a century, with more ‘spotless’ days per week than in previous minima. On the basis of this data, there appears to be a prima facie case for expecting new viral strains to emerge over the coming months and so it would be prudent for Public Health Authorities the world over to be vigilant and prepared for any necessary action. We need hardly to be reminded that the spectre of the 1918 devastating influenza pandemic stares us in the face from across a century. NOTE: 15 days later the first known coronavirus patient (Wei Guixian) starts feeling ill.

DECEMBER 22, 2019 Craig is interviewed about his meteorites. The link for the show is at This interview shows that Craig (with a 6th grade education) has a poor understanding of science. He claims that the rocks have a lot of uranium and elements not from this world.

Craig claims in an interview that there are 16 embryos and that the origin of the rocks is likely the moon, 4 Vesta or beyond. This would appear to contradict a later claim that the non-Martian origin was due to a fight and personality conflict with Dr. Karen Ziegler at the University of New Mexico.

Temperature: Craig says the room is 25 degrees (C) but the rock in one section is 14 degrees (7:13 to 7:17). The embryonic section is 6 degrees and it pulses to 12 degrees.(7:20). This seems to contradict a later claim that it was radiation that pulsed. Craig is largely uneducated (at least in terrestrial schools). He may have heard something about a pulsation in infrared radiation (heat) given off.

JANUARY 5, 2020

From: Emery Smith

Sent: January 5, 2020 10:07 AM
To: Craig Ebrahimi
Cc: Olivia Smith
Subject: Re: ET EMBRYO


Dear Craig, Yes I have lots of ideas. We need to get a cat scan of it first and then we can stereotactically under fluoroscopy make a small drill hole, utilizing a Midas REX High Speed Neuro drill, into the meteorite where the being is. We then can extract some particles we can run the DNA test on and any additional test. The procedure should be quite easy with the right tools. I would like to also film the procedure as well and document it. Would you be interested in flying to Colorado to be on my show Cosmic Disclosure on GAIA TV to talk about the find first? All travel and expenses will be paid for. Let me know if this appeals to you. I also am filming a small series called The Beings we could interview you as well for. Regardless I am interested in seeing the specimen in BC and thank you for the invite. I also want to be part of the analyzation team and help in any way possible. I have a film production team as well at your disposal called ZeroCross Productions.

Sincerely, Emery Smith202-999-6871


From: Craig Ebrahimi


Date :Jan 26, 2020, 12:55 PM (Saturday)

Subject: Fw: Extraterrestrial embryo discovered in meteorite UVIC BC

My name Craig Ebrahimi research scientist/ Founder Deviant off world technology

Barry would you be interested in the research and biotechnology opportunity/ of the only pristine extraterrestrial embryo on the planet at the University of Victoria BC


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ From: Craig Ebrahimi

To: <>

Date: Jan 28, 2020, 12:08 PM

Subject: Fw: #2 HED meteorite with crystallized reptilian.

Oxygen isotopes d17 HED Meteorite discovered in Sooke BC. Raman data supports Top center grain is a organic reptilian converted to diamond.



Comment by Roffman added on December 25, 2022:

Craig’s January 28, 2020 email identifies the apparent embryo way before it is established that the fossil is from living creature. On several conversations and emails up through today Craig claimed to be an alien with the power to put me down just with his eyes.

While I initially assumed that Craig is a Nordic or other species related to human, on different photographs that I have of him he has a different looking face/shape. His lower legs seems too small for a human or a Nordic. A Nordic should be tall. This guy may be a shape-shifter, which Reptilians are said to be. The fact that he claims to have 16 Reptilian embryos may point to him being a Reptilians. They are generally hostile to humans, although our military is alleged to work with them. Craig is suspected by me as being the individual who brought Covid-19 to Earth.

The next Figure shows alleged alien Craig Ebrahimi shortly after we had a verbal fight. The remarks about alien uniforms seen by President Eisenhower on February 20, 1954 are taken from page 202 of the book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE by William Cooper.  They were found by me after I caught an intelligence agent checking out a link on this site to the book, but before I was aware of the uniform remarks. If Craig is indeed wearing an alien military uniform here then our military forces should look for others like it.


During our argument Craig told me “Listen that virus only works on weak humans. Bill gates patent this  corona virus strain in 2013 the documents are available you just gotta dig. All this has been a plan since the 1950s.”

E,Ts in the area where Craig lives – in Sooke, BC, Canada. Elon Musk visited the area on August 6, 2019. He was seen in Metchosin, just a few miles from Sooke, but he vanished from there for a day. He may have met with Craig elsewhere – either at the home of an ET or aboard an ET ship.  This was at a time between when Craig had sent a meteorite sample to Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe (June 19, 2018) and when COVID-19 broke out in China (December, 2019).

From: Craig Ebrahimi

To: <>

Date: Feb 2, 2020, 3:59 PM

Subject: The cure for diseases.

Thank you Barry for your insight! Did you ever think I could be a walking talking prophet that holds the medicine that will solve world diseases. And Extend human longevity.



This above response from Craig was apparently his reaction to seeing his name encoded in the Torah. Attached to my previous e-mail to him were the matrices at and .

Roffman caution to Craig about claims to prophecy. However, it remains unclear who the voice was from that told Craig where to look for the meteorite on the sea floor.

I will not endorse you until I get answers in writing to my concerns about security. Our military is following this article closely. I will advise them or our Government to consider buying the rock from you, but only if I think the thing is a legitimate security concern. For something this important I don’t want to rely on my memory. I need your answers in writing without any exaggeration or hyperbole. 

From: Craig Ebrahimi


Craig claimed to hear a voice that told him exactly where to look for the meteorite. This raises the possibility that the epidemic was directed by telepathic aliens. How many people did it kill? On January 24, 2025 I found the following figures online:

COVID-19 Global Death Toll Estimate Is Three Times What Records Indicate. In this Lancet study, investigators estimate an excess mortality of 18.2 million deaths worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic between 2020-2021, although just 5.9 million are reported.

It should be assumed that we were and are under a hostile biological attack by aliens.  The U.S. Space Force must come up to speed quickly to respond. Frankly, since I know what is going on, the military should call me back to active duty ASAP to help them deal with the threat.  _

February 3, 2020 @ 11:20 am. My intentions were to help humanity. Sincerely 


I know I hold unimaginable biotechnology to help and advance human kind.

Yes it should be sold to the Institute of disease control in Atlanta or the Whyss institute  in the control of George Churc h at 

2+Years I have been stressing about the pristine extraterrestrial embryo while now 2mm from exposed surface.

We should be meeting and going over the data and then you fly home and put together a report for the sale.

Craig Ebrahimi

The following is Craig’s reply to an email that I sent to him on or before February 3, 2020.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­From: Craig Ebrahimi

from: Craig Ebrahimi <>
to: Barry Roffman <>
date: Feb 3, 2020, 4:19 PM
subject: Re: answers

1. Aliens communicate with telepathy. Do you think an alien was communicating with you? Have you ever had a UFO encounter or a possible abduction experience?

(1) I have b- blood that is Persian royal b line so do my 2 baby boys and my wife o- I have always been in communication with something but humans would classify me as just crazy. So to answer your question I do not believe I was abducted but I have many pictures of a green orb that follows myself and family around when you zoom in to the amazingly clear pictures its seems to resemble Ezekiel wheel. 

2. Do you still hear voices?

(2) YES

3. How did you know to contact me?


4. Are you now saying that you have no measured speed increase and that all enhanced effects are mental? Can you name any positive physical changes?


 5. All uranium is radioactive, but not all uranium is fissionable. I need to know which isotopes were found before I fly out there. Please look at the chemistry report and tell me what elements and or isotopes are mentioned there.


From: Craig Ebrahimi

To: <>

from: <>
to: “” <
date: Feb 3, 2020, 11:17 pm

“I have not told you the first scientist to work on this meteorite was Chandra Wickramasinghe. I sent him an Embryo. There are more than one and he emails Dr. Elaine (Humphrey) and tells us someone broke into his house and stole my samples,

I have all emails .”

from: Craig Ebrahimi <>
to: “” <>
date: Feb 4, 2020, 11:17 AM

Barry you asked about VOICES I would answer that as they’re not loud yelling voices more like telepathy voices /ideas /direction. My pictures of the orb WE DID NOT WANT TO MENTION.

While I will show in person while my children are in the pictures. Barry to understand the chemistry just read the final report.

This is the ET holding some type of technology!  If you were looking at it in person it looks like it will come out of the rock I have many. Dr Elaine is holding a sample that she is guarding with her life it seems to have an elongated head. I will send pictures when she gives me permission.



From: Elaine Humphrey <>

Sent: February 7, 2020 11:56 AM
To: Craig Ebrahimi <>
Subject: eds report 2.

Hi Craig

Looking through our old data, I notice that several of our spectra show relatively high amounts of iridium. It is interesting to note that this is not consistent over all the surface. Only some of the grains contain  iridium b spectrum 2b.doc shows relatively high amounts of iridium Best wishes



From: Elaine Humphrey <> 

Hi Craig. I put the pictures into a Dropbox so you can look at them. 

best wishesElaine  

On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 6:20 PM Craig Ebrahimi

Subject: (Interesting read) My blood b-annunaki<> wrote:

Craig raises the issue of whether he has alien blood. The article cited includes the following text:The Nephilim of biblical lore are responsible for Rh-negative blood types. In the Book of Enoch,the Nephilim, also known as the Watchers, descend from the heavens and mate with humans, creating a human-angel hybrid. This group of angels and their offspring were wiped out in the great biblical deluge,though some were said to have survived, leaving the Rh-negative blood distinction. Another otherworldly theory is that the Anunnaki, the extraterrestrial race that helped establish ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, engineered or crossbred with humans, and that some part of this process created the Rh-negative blood type. It’s alleged that people with Rh-negative blood have distinct physical features paired with a predilection for psychic phenomena and alien abductions. Some of those features are:

  •      Higher than average IQ
  •      Lower body temperature
  •      Higher blood pressure
  •      Red or reddish hair
  •      Extra vertebrae
  •      Sensitive vision and particular sensitivity to sunlight
  •      Elevated intuition

March 2, 2020.

Hello Barry     I have been advised legally to not give any more data to anyone. But I will say that I have alot of interest from leading international biotechnology companyI am dealing with the Canadian government and CEOs of international space agencies. If this is a hoax I would be charged for fraud. In Canada, what would I gain maybe 3 square meals a day in confinement?    Your flight from Florida direct is still on the table if you want to see the ET embryo in person before it’s sold. 

In response I discussed my reluctance to fly anywhere until the Wuhan coronavirus is under control. I also pointed out that no known scientist has concluded that there is in fact an embryo in his meteorite. If they have detected any amino acids I have not yet seen proof of that either. Later on

3/2/2020 Craig wrote me saying, “Barry when I receive new data of organic extraction in the UK I will keep you updated..

Aaron Burton is a PhD at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. This e-mail shows that hehad meteorite samples From: Burton, Aaron (JSC-XI311) <>

Sent: March 10, 2020 6:22 AM
To: Craig Ebrahimi <>
Subject: RE:  organic extraction Hi Craig, It doesn’t look like my lab will be functional any time soon. I’ll get the samples sent back to you this week.  Sorry! Aaron Wickramasinghe says Craig has the cure from space.

From: Chandra Wickramasinghe <>
Sent: March 15, 2020 10:46 AM
To: Craig Ebrahimi <>
Subject: Re: longevity vaccine from space

Hello Craig. Yes, I would much like to help. I believe you have the cure from space but I don’t have the institutional resources available to me. 

Craig reacts to me finding sensitive information that he didn’t realize was on an e-mail trail. The e-mail was March 15, 2020 10:46 AM. It saidFrom: Chandra Wickramasinghe <>
Sent: March 15, 2020 10:46 AM
To: Craig Ebrahimi <>
Subject: Re: longevity vaccine from space.Hello Craig. Yes, I would much like to help I believe you have the cure from space but I don’t have the institutional resources available to me. cc Personal website: www.profchandra.orgBuckingham astrobiology website: astrobiology website: website:

ROFFMAN COMMENT: Craig claims to be an alien below, threatens me with his eyes. I have no idea about who my “Hebrew follower” is. It could be Mossad, but they never show up on an IP address check.So far as I all my intelligence followers are with DOD, largely through Fort Huachuca, or with the UK MOD.They probably have people that are Jewish and read Hebrew as well as Arabic, but I haven’t met anyone like that.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 4:43 PM Craig Ebrahimi <> wrote:”Guy your dumb ass shit keeps getting sent to me by one of your Hebrew followers, you got to be one the biggest dummie humans I ever came across you talk this shit in your writing ABOUT my biotechnology, once again your dumb! you don’t even know your dealing with fucking real extra-terrestrial self made multi millionaire since teens you idiot, if you looked into these eyes I would eat your soul puppet boy.”

Barry Roffman <>Apr 1, 2020, 1:13 PMto Barry

From: Barry

To: Craig

April 1, 2020


Hello Craig.

This e-mail serves as a partial apology. Yesterday I created a new folder on G-mail that contains 48 of your previous e-mails in chronological order received. This made it much easier to start at the beginning on January 26 and go through everything you sent me sequentially. I am finding answers to many of my questions. If you want to know why I missed a lot before it is for the following reasons:

1. Some of your attachments came up as possibly infected with malware and thus were not opened by me before.

2. There was nothing like a cover letter to tell me what to pay attention to.

3. Some were nothing more than links to Alex Jones videos that were not of interest to me or thought to be germane.

4. There were stories that I was working on that were of greater interest like the impeachment of President Trump.

5. I was getting a mixture of  truth and exaggeration from you.

I am now slowly going through each item that you sent. Meanwhile I strongly suggest that you and everyone WHO handed the rocks be tested for the COVID19 virus.

It remains true that my primary interest in what you have found is related to national security. My reports, published on my site, will continue to be updated with a goal of providing maximum clarity and accuracy.  I realize that you have financial interests here, but what you found might be killing tens of thousands of people and possibly millions of people in the near future. So while you are understandably  pissed at me for publishing everything you send me, sorry but millions of lives trumps profit for you. It may be that you have antibodies that will be profitable for you, but the longer you wait the more there will be antibodies in recovered patients that may work as well.

Finally, you have played with implications that you are an alien. If you believe this you are either crazy or (if it’s true) a real danger to our planet. You need to get sober and send me a clear statement about your identity.


Craig Ebrahimi
Apr 2, 2020, 2:54 PM (8 days ago)  


Roffman response to Craig’s denial and a warning about the possible consequences of not cooperating with DoD or the UK MoD. EDX = energy-dispersive microanalysis.  See CRISTOBALITE AND HEMATITE PARTICLES IN THE HUMAN BRAIN (By M. Kopani et al., 2016) at for what might be in Craig’s brain. 

 APR 4, 2020

from: Barry Roffman <>
to: Craig Ebrahimi <>
date: Apr 3, 2020, 11:22 AM

Ah, but you did. I have enough from you to see that the thief is almost certainly your “friend” Wickramasinghe in the UK. I don’t know if they’ll do it, but I’m asking the UK MOD to pick up him for interrogation. I’m pretty sure that he stole your sh*t, sold it to the Chinese lab in Wuhan, and started the current plague. That would make him guilty of infecting over a million people so far and killing at least 54,000 people.

This apparent as*hole has destroyed the world economy and taken at least one U.S.aircraft carrier out of service. If he is not guilty then he can start with lie detectors to prove it. If you warn him or discuss this with him that could be seen as collaborating with the enemy. While I cannot be certain, it’s wise to assume that my phone is bugged by my Intel friends. Therefore, assume that if you call me to help in the investigation Uncle Sam will hear you and your point of view. In no way should you view the Government here as your enemy. They are trying to keep the Chinese from killing us all. What is out there is a threat to all humanity. If this guy sold your stuff to Wuhan he may turn out to be one of the biggest killers in history. You do not want to be seen to back him. He had your stuff a long time, did not safeguard your property and did not finish theanalysis. It made no sense that you would eat the stuff unless  Chandra did a study that showed improved life expectancy in animals.

I have asked you to call me several times. You have chosen to ignore me or send silly stuff, but some of that silly stuff had meaningful e-mail trails (which I am still going through). Frankly, at this time i would just prefer to turn over the investigation to DoD or the UK MOD. Bottom line – at any other time in history this would all be an academic question, but now there is no difference between trying to get the full truth here and trying to find a nuclear bomb buried under one of our cities by the Chinese, North Koreans or (other) crazies. There is still time for you to come out of this with money, fame and a good place in history. But if you hesitate and try to back your thief buddy your fate will likely be not so good. I am not your average investigator.

I can read the Code, I’ve found you in it, and Wickramasinghe. 


­­­­­­­­­­­­­Monday, April 6, 2020 11:37pm


from: Craig Ebrahimi <>
to: “” <>
date: Apr 7, 2020, 12:52 AM
ROFFMAN COMMENT: This was after Craig read my appraisal that the thief was likely Wickramasinghe.   

ROFFMAN COMMENT: Naven Jain claims to be a billionaire with the world’s largest private collection of meteorites that are worth millions of dollars. COSPAR = Committee on Space Research. This is the first time that he said his wife also ate some of the material. Note that he says nothing about her reaction to it. The meaning of seed balls is unclear unless it is a reference to puffball “fungi” seen on Mars. These are discussed in Section 15.3.1 of the Roffman Mars Correct Basic Report. Some of Craig’s ideas seem to be taken based on the Alex Jones Radio Show. On his show on April 12, 2020 Jones claimed that not only is Obama a communist but that the NIH under Dr. Fauche at Obama’s direction supervised experiments in Wuhan on COVID-19. 2025 Note: This is likely why Biden gave Fauche a pardon on January 20, 2025.

Craig did not point to any specific plan since the 1950s. I gather that the reference is based on his understanding of common conspiracy beliefs.    Questions from Roffman to Ebrahimi on April 8, 2020 and his answers to Roffman on the same day.

from: Craig Ebrahimi <>
to: “” <>
date: Apr 8, 2020, 7:15 PM
subject: Fw: Re: Answered


From: Barry Roffman <>
Sent: April 8, 2020 6:30 AM
To: Craig Ebrahimi <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re:

OK. I saw the e-mails from the two Docs. I’ll work this into the record today. More dates would be helpful.

               1. When did you find the rocks?  March 01>06  2018

2. When did you mail him the sample?  June 19 2018

              3. Did You have a copy of the shipping receipt. Yes. SEE FIGURE 3 BELOW.

      4. When did he get it? Did he sign for it? Yes

5. Did he report a theft to the police in Sri Lanka? A copy of the police report would help.The sample was supposedly stolen from his gated community in Car

Naven jain was excited immediately when (we) were in contact then his dad passed away, after he found out that Chandra had a embryo fossil Chandra flew here to California Cospar MEETING  2018 Chandra & Naveen met and planned to both fuck me over but they don’t (know) what they’re dealing with.

Then they were stolen from. now they are trying to communicate with me now seed balls.

6. When did he suggest that you taste the sample? Know one told me to eat it. My wife and I ground it up and ate grams of it with bacon eggs .

7. When did you lose your hair?

8. Can you name any pharmaceutical companies involved? Craig did not answer this directly but on an e-mail from him to me on March 27 at 2:31 pm he mentioned:

CEO  INOVIO JOSEPH KIM] founded by Bill Gates 

9. Do you have any evidence for Chinese involvement?

At some point a Covid 19 test will be needed for you and your Victoria partners.

Listen that virus only works on weak humans. Bill gates patent this  corona virus strain in 2013 the documents are available you just gotta dig. All this has been a plan since the 1950

from: Craig Ebrahimi <>
to: “” <>
date: Apr 9, 2020, 12:57 PM
subject: Info wars have good investigative journalist like you! other than alex jones

11 April 2020. This list is first accessed by Fort Huachuca at 11/Apr/2020:18:57:04 MST7MDT. Question – Why has Fort Huachuca’s Canadian liaison officer not yet removed the meteorite from the University of Victoria? 

PARTIAL ROFFMAN ANSWER ON DECEMBER 29, 2020: Craig reports that the Canadian Royal Police are stopping him every week and that he is afraid to leave Canada for fear that they will not let him back in. I surmise that Fort Huachuca is likely keeping him under their thumb, but they have yet to contact me directly to confirm it. To my readers there in January, 2025: I’m now 77 but I am still willing to return to active duty (with Space Force) so we can work more freely together for a common goal – but I will not work toward any assault on our Constitution.

Craig’s ideology again seems to be in part taken from infowars and Alex Jones videos. 

13 April 2020. This list is first accessed by the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (UK MOD) at 13/Apr/2020:05:43:29 MST7MDT  and was again accessed at 13/Apr/2020:17:51:44.    

20 April 2020

from: Barry Roffman <>
to: “” <>
date: Apr 19, 2020, 1:16 PM
subject: New connection between Wickramasinghe and China


My son, Dr. David A. Roffman (PhD, physics) wanted to see proof of a connection between Wickramasinghe and China. It is established in the article by Wickramasinghe and (among others) Jiangwen Qu of the Department of Infectious Disease Control, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hedong Qu, Tianjin Shi, China. Further, there may be an effort by Gensuke Tokoro of Institute for the Study of Panspermia and Astroeconomics, Gifu, Japan to sell any cure developed from Craig’s meterorite. Tokoro is president and CEO of Kyoto Biopharma, Inc., and executive director of ISPA. He lives in Japan.   

Article: Comments on the Origin and Spread of the 2019 Coronavirus


 Citation Virol Curr Res,Volume 4:1,2020, DOI: 10.37421/Virol Curr Res.2020.4.109

Authors: N Chandra Wickramasinghe1,2,3,4*, Edward J Steele2,5, Reginald M Gorczynski6, Robert Temple7, Gensuke Tokoro2,4,
Jiangwen Qu8, Daryl H Wallis2,4 and Brig Klyce9
1Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, University of Buckingham, MK18 1EG, England, UK
2Centre for Astrobiology, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka
3National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka
4Institute for the Study of Panspermia and Astroeconomics, Gifu, Japan
5C Y O’Connor, ERADE Village, Foundation, Piara Waters, Perth 6112 WA, Australia
6University Toronto Health Network, Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada
7History of Chinese Science and Culture Foundation, Conway Hall, London, UK
8Department of Infectious Disease Control, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hedong Qu, Tianjin Shi, China
9Astrobiology Research Trust, Memphis, TN, .USA

We propose that the new coronavirus which first appeared in the Hubei province of China was probably linked to the arrival of a pure culture of the virus contained in cometary debris that was dispersed over a localized area of the planet namely China. The sighting of a fireball some 2000 kilometers north of Wuhan on 11 October 2019 followed shortly after with the first recorded cases in Hubei is suggestive of a causal link. Gene sequencing data of the virus that show little or no genetic variations between isolates, combined with available epidemiological data point to the predominance of a transmission process directly from an “infected” environment, with person to-person transmission playing a comparatively weaker secondary role. The facts relating to this epidemic are discussed and placed in the context of other pandemics that have been recorded throughout history.

Issue: 1,Volume: 4, Journal Name: Virology Current Research Page Numbers: 1-4, Publication Date: 2020, Publication Name: Virology Current Research

from: Craig Ebrahimi <>  
to: “” <>  
date: Apr 30, 2020, 3:34 PM  


Barry the only reason I ever contacted you was regarding David Roffmans website saying if you have problem we can solve it then you start trying to get me to prove to you all about my work and getting no respect except fear mongering  bullshit.

We are solving your problem in that we present good evidence that shows Wickramasinhge is not the innocent victim of the theft of your sample while it was in his custody. Rather he is the thief and, with his Chinese partner and the communist Chinese, he shares responsibility for the murder of over 230,000 people as of this date. I told you up front I am a retired military officer with direct contact with U.S. Intelligence and that when you talk to me you talk to U.S. military intelligence. David’s website is maintained by me. He does the math. I do the writing.

The first email I sent obviously had nothing to do with the real reason.

ROFFMAN: So what was the real reason?

There is picture I sent that is a crystalized ET holding some type of technology.

ROFFMAN: You need to specify exactly what you mean by technology. Are you referring to a weapon on the attachment at ?

When a famous no name US scientist flew to town last August when examined what the ET was holding it pulses the hypothesis is that’s what’s creating the coldness so I wanted to hire a young energetic new mind David.

NOTE: The famous scientist he refers to above is Elon Musk.

Then you should have made this clear. It’s the first time that I heard it’s pulsing. If that’s true this thing may be much more hazardous than I imagined. This rock needs to be analyzed in a U.S. military lab because it has already killed at least 62,603 Americans. We have more deaths than any other nation, and if there is an ET plan to try to conquer our world they will have to defeat the United States first. Reality is that you are either with us or against us. Do you want to take on the United States? We are not playing games here.

Before ever going to UVic I contacted Chandra

That would be consistent with the limited e-mails that I have although from a geographic point of view it seems odd. Was there someone an intermediary, anyone who introduced you to Chandra?

Then I researched out what needs to be done so hired the labs equipment. And many PhD scientist you do not know far beyond UVic labs

We are going to need the names involved and times of contact because in this is not just a theft investigation. It’s likely to be a murder investigation and possibly the cause of a war.

I have told before I have many organic embryo fossils I have one around my neck in a necklace.

We need to see photos of clearly distinct embryos.

I now have a Joint Venture you will read about it.

Very powerful name R         r 

I need the full name. NOTE: Craig later said it was a Rockefeller.

Well done on the deuterium content.


I have not told you that I had oxygen done 3 times at different laboratories and two said Martian and only Dr Zeigler  data was false from personal reason that I have had with dumb director Carl Agee he garbaged a sample in 2018 I swore at him and some.

ROFFMAN COMMENT: See Roffman comments in bold fonts inserted in the middle column after Craig’s paragraphs.  Note Craig’s clarification that he contacted Dr.  Wichramasinghe in the UK before Dr. Humphrey who lives and works not too far from Craig in British Colombia. Also note the new PhD involved with handling the rocks: Dr. Carl B. Agee Director, Institute of Meteoritics Meteorite Curator Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary SciencesMSC03 20501 University of New Mexic

Carl Agee’s contact information is as follows: 

Dr. Carl B. Agee, Director, Institute of Meteorites, Meteorite Curator, Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, MSC03 2050, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001, Phone: 505-573-5131, Fax: 505-277-3577, Email:

 Can you back this with e-mails or reports?

“There is global cover up with meteorite institutions so their funding got cut a lot. They are all broke lifer’s that do not like the public owning these.”

I know about and have written about the cover ups before, but for now the issue is comparing the DNA and or RNA on your samples with current strains of the virus out there. Our survival depends on it.

Good investigative work with China and India.

You mean China and Sri Lanka. India intervened in the Sri Lankan Civil War in 1987. It suffered 1,138 killed and completed its withdraw in 1990.

If you do not understand why I sent you those emails of CEOs and so on

Maybe you knew at some level that it was the right thing to do. Left unchecked, whatever life form apparently is involved with the meteorite is a threat to all mankind.  So are corrupt people in our government who have worked to impeach a legally-elected President who actually cares about us. It remains to be seen if DoD and UK MOD can be trusted to get this right, but if they do it will be in large part because you gave me critical information to pass onto them here. As for what you should do next I would recommend you taking that embryo off from around your neck and getting me some good photos of it. You need to show at least photographic evidence of multiple embryos. This helps to establish that there has been reproduction rather than a simple geochemical process that produces similar intrusions.

It is also vital that you tell us what happened to your wife after she ate some of the rock content. Without this information thousands of people will become infected and doctors will misdiagnose thousands of people – who will then die because you did not tell our doctors what they need to look out for.

Start writing letters to write companies

I’ll leave this to our Government/s to do. Although I act like a government’s full intelligence agency. I’m not. There is an enormous amount of work required here.  I need DoD to do its job.

date: Apr 30, 2020, 11:35 PM

 See Figure 1 above of Craig with his car (April 30, 2020)

On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 12:06 PM Craig Ebrahimi <> wrote: Barry I have 3 documentary offers:Prometheus entertainment, Ancient aliens, And some Will not. My Rockefeller partners would not approve. I will send you a picture when the laboratories open. My wife she had two extremely healthy boys.Craig

ROFFMAN COMMENT: Rockefeller partners involved!
I asked this question because someone (Matthew Wilson) associated with the Rockefellers tried to recruit me for the Thule Society in 2013 to 2014. His motivation was not clear but here is what survives in my records (just the e-mail address and the 500-page attachment: 

from:  Matthew Wilson <> to:  Barry Roffman <>date:  Apr 13, 2014, 7:37 PM Note: I have only briefly skimmed through the above book for the first time on May 11, 2020.

ROFFMAN COMMENT: On hair length and resemblance to man-like alien in Prometheus  

From: Craig Ebrahimi <>
Sent: May 1, 2020 1:36 PM
To: Barry Roffman <>
Subject: Re: Re: My hair has been shaved #2 since teens. Must be a coincidence. I’ll find one and send you. 

1 May 2020 @ 7:28 PM and response from Barry Roffman 3 May 2020 @ 12:02 AM

from: Craig Ebrahimi <>
to: “” <>
date: May 1, 2020, 7:28 PM  

Di ribose increases stamina in my research I found it pure in my meteorite sample so. Enhance performance is a side effect.

ROFFMAN COMMENT: This would imply that there exists a substantial organic chemistry analytic report.

from: Barry Roffman <>
to: Craig Ebrahimi <>
cc: “” <>
date: May 3, 2020, 12:02 AM

Thanks Craig

ROFFMAN COMMENT: On hair length and resemblance to man-like alien in Prometheus.

I may not be working for you directly but you are keeping me very busy. By Di ribose I think you mean D-ribose. It’s also called ribose or Beta-D-ribofuranose, It’s a type of sugar that your body produces naturally and is readily available in supplement form. This is an organic molecule with great significance.

Who told you this is in the rockHow was it separated out and what dose (milligrams or grams) do you take daily?

Whether you ate one or merely wear it around your neck it may be able to control or affect your thoughts. If you ate it, it may be a parasite. It’s that’s the case, then like other parasites, if it reproduces inside a host and the host poops, the parasite can be put out into the environment that way. The only way to know if this is happening with you is for you to get s stool test.

Best regards,


from: Craig Ebrahimi <>
to: “” <>
date: May 3, 2020, 12:24 AM

Barry I have had the organics extracted and analyzed in UK not Chandra. But well known for meteorite organics analysis His data and lab were shutdown Dec 2019. I was informed on just a little bit Aminos and some type of Protein they discovered but the data has suppressed. But I will arrange again.

Who suppressed the data?

No I have not Extracted any out of samples to eat come on guy.

D-ribose response Someone suppressed organic chem data.  See attachment with Figure 21.

from: Craig Ebrahimi <>
to: Barry Roffman <>
date: May 3, 2020, 2:34 PM
subject: Re: Time of photo with the Porche

I took that picture 20 mins before I sent you after I ran 25 km and haven’t ate in days. The research will be conducted in US soon.

Timing of photo with his Porche.

from: Barry Roffman <>  
to: Craig Ebrahimi <>  
date: May 3, 2020, 7:36 PM
to: Barry Roffman <>
date: May 3, 2020, 8:19 PM
subject: Re: Extraterrestrial ribose and other sugars in primitive meteorites PNAS

 Think quantitative, How fast do you run 25 km? The world record  is 1:11:18.

My trail run s are intense a lot of hills. Yes when running flat course easy peasy be able to keep close to 5 min miles but the Eliud Kipchoge marathon pace destroyed the record in 2019

Did your wife’s strength and speed also increase? I’m glad that she had two healthy babies but it’s important to know if what she ate caused any unpleasant or unusual side effects.

She never had any negative side effects we will not comment on her.

David thinks you look like you’re about 38 in 2020, around 50 back in 2016. I agree but with the sun glasses it’s hard to get an accurate estimate.

I asked David about the pulsation. He wants to see pictures (IPhone) or video if you have any.  Are you talking about light  pulsation? How long did this go on and was there any pattern to it?Geiger?

The ribose article ( was published when your sample was in China, but also when the Japanese Pharma CEO likely had access. I’ll see if I can find a connection.

Chandra is an honorary professor with jaxa, Japan. The ribose in the meteorite is to the embryos as yolk in an egg is to the embryo in it.

The article is a great find that does much to increase your case. But to close the loop. We need something in writing about ribose being in your rocks. The science data I do not have access to because of lack trust with me. And their data is their’s. And I would be a complete idiot to have their names mentioned.

Geiger meter cold pulse.

It sounds like it could be some kind of communication.

My typos mistakes are because of emailing with one hand using cell phone and baby 1 year old boy in other hand.

Geiger meter cold pulse and Dr. Jerzi Sawicki.   

from: Craig Ebrahimi <>
to: “” <>

One Response to EMAIL FIX

  1. JANUARY 29, 2025. The following voice mail text was found in my Message Box at 10:04 AM while I was on the phone with Express Scripts (a pharmaceutical company) . The return number only took me to my doctor’s office rather than to Craig in Canada. I left a message with Craig’s moble phone that answers his questions. It remains to be seen if he answers it. The mysterius text appears to suggest that he monitors what I write on this and he has the ability to monitor what I write to the Trump National Committee or Republican National Committee.

    So Do You Believe That Musk and Trump Are Sitting Around Mar-A-Lago Talking about me? So They Must Be Discussing Which Job They Would Offer Me. What He Thinks About Ebrahimi?

    So Do You Believe That Musk and Trump Are Sitting Around Mar-A-Lago Talking about me? So They Must Be Discussing Which Job They Would Offer Me. What He Thinks About Ebrahimi?

    First comment by Roffman: The question marks were added by me. I have noticed that Craig’s grammer is not always top of the line.

    First comment by Roffman: The question marks were added by me. I have noticed that Craig’s grammer is not always top of the line.

    Second comment by Roffman. This is a rough summary of what I think likely provoked the above January 29, 2025 Voice Mail message. On January 29, 2025 I did not discuss Musk, Ebrahimi, Mar-A-Lago or a job with anyone before reading the text apparently composed by Ebrahimi. However, I did discuss all these things on the day before (January 28, 2025) with the Republical National Committee or whoever runs the Trump website that constantly requests donations from me. Over Trump’s three elections I estimate that I have donated about $1,500.

    Second comment by Roffman. This is a rough summary of what I think likely provoked the above January 29, 2025 Voice Mail message. On January 29, 2025 I did not discuss Musk, Ebrahimi, Mar-A-Lago or a job with anyone before reading the text apparently composed by Ebrahimi. However, I did discuss all these things on the day before (January 28, 2025) with the Republical National Committee or whoever runs the Trump website that constantly requests donations from me. Over Trump’s three elections I estimate that I have donated about $1,500.

    What I wrote in response to their latest request for money was that they have written to me in Trump’s name before (daily) asking questions about me political opinions but always followed up by another request for a donation (often with a suggested donation amount). However, I would not send more unless somebody called me to tell me what Musk said about me and to ask if Trump was reallycommunication considering offering me a paid position. I have asked about this before, but never received a direct answer.

    What I wrote in response to their latest request for money was that they have written to me in Trump’s name before (daily) asking questions about me political opinions but always followed up by another request for a donation (often with a suggested donation amount). However, I would not send more unless somebody called me to tell me what Musk said about me and to ask if Trump was reallycommunication considering offering me a paid position. I have asked about this before, but never received a direct answer.

    Craig tracks what I do very closely. On the day the first contacted me (January 26, 2020) he described the view I had out my living room sliding glass door in Cape Canaveral, Florida. He also claims to have telepathic abilities. Somehow it appears that he accessed what I said to Trump’s people yesterday. I am sure that he reads my website which includes this email and phone record. But the contents of my remarks about donations should not have been available on my website in my outgoing mail because they did not go out on email. They were sent in response to web the Trump’s web site was on their program.

    Craig tracks what I do very closely. On the day the first contacted me (January 26, 2020) he described the view I had out my living room sliding glass door in Cape Canaveral, Florida. He also claims to have telepathic abilities. Somehow it appears that he accessed what I said to Trump’s people yesterday. I am sure that he reads my website which includes this email and phone record. But the contents of my remarks about donations should not have been available on my website in my outgoing mail because they did not go out on email. They were sent in response to web the Trump’s web site was on their program.

    If Craig calls me back I will discuss his concerns, but to try to help him understand what I think or know is going on, let me be clear. Your decision to pull the plug on our commications before was not wise. There are likely many species of aliens visiting Earth. You likely represent one of them, or at least you claim that this is so. Some of them (Reptilians, Greys, etc.) are hostile. I have broken the Torah Code and published the names of the top alien spies who have fought to prevent Trump from winning the election in 2024. They are named in Chapter 3 of this book, and the last two presidents are among the suspects revealed in the Torah Code.

    If Craig calls me back I will discuss his concerns, but to try to help him understand what I think or know is going on, let me be clear. Your decision to pull the plug on our commications before was not wise. There are likely many species of aliens visiting Earth. You likely represent one of them, or at least you claim that this is so. Some of them (Reptilians, Greys, etc.) are hostile. I have broken the Torah Code and published the names of the top alien spies who have fought to prevent Trump from winning the election in 2024. They are named in Chapter 3 of this book, and the last two presidents are among the suspects revealed in the Torah Code.

    COVID-19 killed about 18,000,000 people worldwide. n our first phone conversation back in 2020 you offered me a trip up to your home in Sooke, B,C. to I could examine the embryo. At that time, just days before Covid-19 was named as a pandemic, I declind your offer and I told you why. I was afraid that I would bring this disease back to Florida. Despite my caution, within a year my wife and I both caught Covid-19. Fortunately, it was a mild version of the disease, but this disease killed our family doctor, Dale Adamson.

    COVID-19 killed about 18,000,000 people worldwide. In our first phone conversation back in 2020 you offered me a trip up to your home in Sooke, B,C. to I could examine the embryo. At that time, just days before Covid-19 was named as a pandemic, I declind your offer and I told you why. I was afraid that I would bring this disease back to Florida. Despite my caution, within a year my wife and I both caught Covid-19. Fortunately, it was a mild version of the disease, but this disease killed our family doctor, Dale Adamson.
