Eshed, Israel & Interplanetary War 8/12/2024

To be translated from Haim Eshed’s Hebrew book THE UNIVERSE BEYOND THE HORIZON, Conversations with Professor Chaim Eshed. My Hebrew is not fluent so this will be a slow summary based on a translation program. I will discuss the chapters of greatest interest first. Before obtaining the book from Israel I found a matrix about Eshed which may well expand as I read the book. Figure 1 shows the working version of his matrix. I knew from the Jerusalem Post that Eshed claimed Israel was working with aliens. Only in December 2023 did I come to suspect that Arabs (n Gaza) were also working with (Reptilian) aliens who likely gave them the technology needed to break through the wall around Gaza on October 7, 2023. As I read through Eshed’s book, it is increasing evident that Eshed has a large interest in Reptilians. It seems likely that the war being fought by Israel and Hamas has ancient, indeed extraterrestrial roots.

Briefly, Wikipedia states that Haim Eshed alternatively romanized as Chaim Eshed (Hebrew: חיים אשד; born 1933)[1][2][3] is a visiting professor of aeronautics and astronautics at various space technology research institutions.[4][5][6][7] A retired brigadier general in Israeli Military Intelligence, Eshed was director of space programs for Israel Ministry of Defense for nearly 30 years, is former chair of the Space Committee of the National Council for Research and Development for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space and a member of the steering committee of Israel Space Agency.[8][9] Eshed is responsible for the launch of 20 Israeli made satellites,[10] and he is widely cited as the father of Israel’s space program.[11]

In 1967, Eshed was awarded the Chief of Staff Citation, the highest non-combat decoration awarded by the IDF. Throughout his career he also received the Israel Defense Prize – the highest civilian defense honor of the State of Israel – three times, but the reasons remain classified.

In 2020, Eshed became notable for promoting a UFO conspiracy theory claiming that world governments were secretly working with aliens.[12][13][14][15]



ABOVE: EXCEPT FROM PAGES 133 TO 134 AS TRANSLATED IN GOOGLE TRANSLATES. The translation continues below with excepts from pages 134 to 135.



EPILOGUE – Page 133 – 135, Two references are given, One is for UFOs by Leslie Kean, Three Rivers Press. The other is THE SECRET HISTORY OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS by Len Kasten, Bear and Company. Bear and Company also published his book ALIEN WORLD ORDER, The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race. On pages 217-219 this book discusses The Fourth Reich, main German politicians involved in setting it up in the U.S. or leading it in America (Martin Bormann and Martin Joseph Goebbels (although they supposedly did not survive the war). In America Kasten states, “I think it would be fair to equate the Fourth Reich to the New World Order, which was first officially mentioned by George H. W. Bush in his speech on September 11, 1990, before a joint session of Congress. The President’s father, Prescott Bush, was a founding member and director of the of the Union Banking Company (UBC) in New York City. It was a front for German Steel Magnet Fritz Thyssen, a major Nazi donor until 1938. Thyssen and friends donated 3 million reichmarks to back Hitler’s rise to power. He sent a letter to President von Hindenberg urging him to appoint Hitler as Chancellor in 1933.  In 1942 the UBC assets were seized by the Roosevelt Administration by authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act.

A lot is written about the failure of Ashed’s publisher to provide any translation. The best  that I could find about this topic was at

It was hard for me to copy the Hebrew into a translation program, but thanks to my skills in typing on a Hebrew keyboard to use Codefinder for my Torah Codes research, it was doable. The text chosen is shown in the boxes above.  Because of my contact with three people who claim to be or insinuate that they are ETs I may see more in the text than actually warranted by Eshed’s work. On-the-other-hand, it may be possible to connect some dots that others would miss. At best I hope that the Army intelligence Base at Fort Huachuca, Arizona has personnel working with ETs not to be trusted (Greys and Reptilians), and some military personnel that have more traditional loyalties more in line with Judaeo-Christian ideology. Of the three folks who claim to make ET claims, one, Craig Ebrahimi, looks like a dwarf version of superman (his legs are too short), he brings up his ET status whenever he is challenged, and there is terrific evidence linking him with delivering COVID-19 to Earth via a Sri lankan virologist (Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe at the University Buckingham in the UK), a Chinese virologist Dr. Jiangwen Qu at the Tianjin, China Center for Infectious Disease Control,  and Dr. Elaine Humphrey at the University of Victoria in Canada. Craig wears a uniform that looks like what is expected for someone from Altair  4.

Rebecca has often spoken about being from the Pleiades, but she (and her husband who makes no ET origin claims) on rare occasions have acted more like possible spies with Reptilian origin. Reptilians are the biggest threat against us according to many authors including Len Kasten who is mentioned in the Haim Eshed book. Rebecca has often spoken about being taken by Reptilians and has even claimed to have been taken into orbit by a small Grey/Reptilian ship that showed her panicked hybrid human-Grey children being prepared to be fed to Reptilian masters. On my June 7, 2023 talk-radio interview  broadcast I confronted Rebecca about her attitude toward the hybrid kids. My initial impression about this matter was that she was not emotional enough about it but in the interview she did not repeat that mistake. The interview is posted at ROFFMAN INTRODUCES A FRIEND (REBECCA) WHO MAY BE AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL. YOU CAN LISTEN TO HER AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELF.  THIS SHOW WILL BE ABOUT CONTACT MADE WITH ET AND AN ATTEMPT UNDERWAY TO SET UP A CONFERENCE ON DISCLOSURE. In this link Rebecca is introduced at 13:06. She says, “We are the disclosure” at 14:30. I forced her to discuss the hybrid kids about to be eaten at 41 minutes 42 seconds into the video. Her answer went on until just short of  46 minutes. However, she did not repeat all of what she had told me before. Specifically, she said that the children were deliberately panicked because they would produce more adrenaline and this would make them taste better to the Reptilians. This is also discussed in Kasten’s ALIEN WORLD ORDER book on page 11.  It says, “They prefer human children best for two reasons. The first is that children don’t have the accumulation of pollutants in their bodies that adults do, and when children are put into a state of fear their energy field and adrenaline just explodes. The reptilians get a ‘rush’ from this stuff.”

Eshed mentions an Arab link with extraterrestrials that has meaning for humanity. Again, Kasten mostly discusses Reptilians and I believe that the linking of these topics on one page of his book (134) is one indication that Hamas got Reptilian technical assistance in its busting out of Gaza and invasion of Israel. Normally even one person trying it would be caught, but in this case they pulled it off for 3,000 terrorists. They did so with a blood-lust that matches Kasten’s description of Reptilians who feast on human children and their blood rich in adrenaline. If Hamas beheaded 40 babies it was right in line with reptilian diet habits.

In Kasten’s World Order Book there is mention of the Vril who back between 1919 and the 1930s helped the Germans to develop UFOs.  Their leader, Maria Orsec, was known for her extraordinary beauty, and Dr. Michael Salla writes about her appearing to show up (minus effects of aging) in decades to come. Supposedly they were  Nordic-type aliens from the Aldebaran System.


The following is a summary of Kastens teachings about Reptilians as  published in his 2017 book, ALIEN WORLD ORDER, The Reptilian Plan to Divide and Conquer the Human Race (Note that THE SECRET HISTORY OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS was published by him back in 2010). Haim Eshed’s book, The Universe Beyond the Horizon was not published until 2020, so it is a safe bet that Eshed was aware of the bulk of Kasten ideology about Reptilians when the 2020 Universe book was published. Kasten’s newest book:

Shows how Eisenhower’s treaty with the Greys, signed at Holloman Air Force Base in 1954, gave the aliens authority to abduct humans for “research”

• Reveals how Reptilian-influenced ex-Nazis infiltrated the U.S. government

• Explains how the Reptilians have created alien-human hybrids under their control to replace the human population

Long ago, the Galactic Federation sent the Atlans, a fierce group of humans from the Pleiades, to Earth to confront the newest colony of the combative ever-spreading alien race known as the Reptilians. The ensuing battle sank the continent of Lemuria and drove the Reptilians underground beneath the Indian subcontinent as well as to Antarctica. Able to shapeshift to appear human, the Reptilians then infiltrated the Atlantean civilization, abducting humans and creating Reptilian hybrids. Kasten contends that this technique of infiltration and hybridization prior to an all-out attack has been the hallmark of Reptilian conquest throughout the galaxy.

Chronicling the history of the Reptilian Empire’s influence on Earth and their conquest of 21 star systems, Kasten reveals how the human race is enmeshed in a skillfully concealed plot to enslave humanity and exploit our planet’s physical and biological resources. Revealing Hitler’s pact with extraterrestrials and the Reptilian influence on the Nazi state, he shares new documents that disclose the rescue and rehabilitation of Nazi war criminals to assist in the Cold War, which then corrupted many U.S. government institutions. Focusing on crucial events in the decade after World War II, he examines the Reptilians’ human allies, the Illuminati, who control the levers of financial, technological, and military power throughout the world through various secret societies. He further asserts that Eisenhower’s treaty with the Greys, signed at Holloman Air Force Base in 1954, gave the aliens permission to take humans up to their spaceships, ostensibly for genetic study–in return for alien technology–and how these abductions led to the creation of a hybrid race under Reptilian mind control. He also explains how Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA because of his plans to rout out this Nazi–Reptilian presence.

Contrasting the Reptilians with the benevolent Ebens, the aliens from Zeta Reticuli who crashed at Roswell, Kasten exposes the stealthy tactics of the Reptilians, their relationship  with the Greys, and their advanced genetic bio-technology and teleportation abilities–as well as what we need to do to defeat their plans.

WHERE REBECCA AND  HER HUSBAND, “D,” FIT IT. This is a difficult story for me to tell because for about 11 or 12 years until December, 2023 Rebecca had slowly grown to be a good friend. Although I warned her a lot about weak points in her testimony that threatened to destroy her marriage to “D,” these weaknesses (when not properly addressed by her, let along her husband), eventually did lead to an explosion that in all likelihood will wreck the best relationship that I have with someone claiming to be an ET.

I do not take the breaking off a friendship lightly and I do hope that what has gone wrong can be corrected. But when dealing with a species that appears to be identical with that bringing Israel its newest holocaust there is no room for mistakes. Here, again, is a summary of the behaviors and actions moving me to this point:

GROWING DOUBTS ABOUT REBECCA’S SPECIES. By December 6, 2023 the problems with Rebecca’s initial childhood Reptilian contact story, her initial apparent lack of emotions when describing the imminent death fears of hybrid children about to be fed to Reptilians, the statement that a terrified 20-year old approached her with a fear of the consequences of a congressional hearing about our government possessing alien spacecraft, and her readiness to work for a joint disclosure planning conference all seemed a bit too friendly toward Reptilians. She argued a lot against Reptilians (or other species) abducting anyone. Rather she just wanted to describe such incidents as visits.

It was obvious that her husband was against me viewing her supposedly upcoming book release, around January, 2024. I was permitted to read a draft of her foreword about a year ago. As I have read in Elena Danaan’s books (page citation needed), Pleiadians supposedly reject Jesus. So I found her devotion to him to be beyond extreme while her inclusion of evidence about being from the Pleiades to be missing, but it was only the Foreword. I don’t withhold significant evidence in any research that I do. It bothered me that she was withholding such evidence from me. Her husband stated his belief that I should not get early access to the book because I am Jewish, and not a believer in Jesus. However my religion would not affect any editing that I might suggest. I have put a lot of time and energy into our friendship and working relationship. I would like to see her book succeed (unless it is disinformation), despite her religious beliefs.  But it will take more than Christian proselytizing to convince me.

It should, however, be noted that D’s change in attitude toward me came at a time that anti-Semitism was on a violent upswing worldwide due to the length of the war and number of casualties in Gaza. In fact, D’s hostile remarks toward me were a carbon copy of the virulent language being used to promote Palestinian hatred of Jews. He was all behind Gazan complaints about Israel occupying  them, but completely unaware that Israel evacuated Gaza on September 12, 2005. This means that except for a Nazi-like rage against Jews, Gazans had no excuses for the murder and rape of over 1,200 Jews in their homes in Israel. Nor was there any sane reason to behead 40 Jewish babies. In other words, despite Rebecca’s sweet (to an extreme) language about loving Jews and supporting Jewish causes, D was spouting a pure Nazi/Reptilian-style line. In our last conversation he even attacked his wife’s sanity for claiming to be an ET, but he did not succeed in convincing me that her problem was all in her mind. He only convinced me that we need caution here to be sure that she is not some kind of Reptilian Trojan Horse. She had once mentioned to me that members of other Christian sects thought she was demon-possessed. Without a shape shift, Reptilians look like demons though there is no proof that this is why they made such a accusation.  I should note here that before my opinions of this couple shifted so much, I asked D to call me to discuss how his words were being interpreted, but he never answered my request to try to straighten all this out.

Success in setting up the disclosure conference would seal the deal, but I am setting the bar here high in that I am asking them to establish an honest relationship that includes admissions about past crimes against (and by) humanity. I cannot dismiss the idea that she is using a supposed Pleiadian/Christian belief system as a cover story for a real Reptilian identity.  It is easy to say yes to my request to set up the conference. If Reptilians have sent a special craft before to take her into orbit where they showed her their criminal behavior, they should be able to specifically respond to her request. She said she did see a UFO shortly after making the request, but she did not receive any kind of clear (telepathic or otherwise) response.

At one point around July to August, 2023 Rebecca called me while I was at my son’s house in Melbourne, FL.  Her husband got briefly on the phone and my wife asked him if he was an ET. He did not deny it (although he was more vague about it with me in an earlier conversation). He just said that he would tell us later.  Previously my wife and I had discussed our impressions that at times there seemed to be an almost military relationship between Rebecca and her husband with her husband in command, but they never did anything as obvious as Craig Ebrahimi did when he angrily posed for me while wearing what looked like a military uniform with an emblem on it that looked like that of the Altair Collective.

While I prefer to meet with the Reptilians because they are probably one of the greatest threats to Earth (there is also the viral threat introduced to Earth by Craig Ebrahimi), with respect to Rebecca I will settle for proof that she has an ET origin. A blood test or genetic analysis would work nicely. I don’t think a blood test can settle the issue of which planet she’s from, but it likely can suggest whether she does or does not have an off-world origi

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