The chapter will examine the claim by CRAIG EBRAHIMI that he is an alien. It will also also examine evidence that I have (since January 26, 2020) suggesting that Craig is responsible for bringing COVID 19 to Earth and, with Chinese and American help, spreading it around our planet. Craig is shown on data-packed Figure 25 below. The chapter will also examine evidence that the vector of the contamination was a 27-pound meteorite that he recovered from the seafloor off his current hometown of Sooke, British Columbia in the Canadian waters of the Straights of Juan De Fuca.
Figure 25 – Craig Ebrahimi, possible alien.
Source material: When complete this chapter will include scientific analysis of Craig’s unusual rock. In addition to a history of our e-mail record for more than a year, it will also include Torah Code matrices that relate to Craig.
INITIAL CONTACT WITH A POSSIBLE ET: I received the following e mail on January 26, 2020.
My name Craig Ebrahimi research scientist/ Founder Deviant off world technology
Barry would you be interested in the research and biotechnology opportunity/ of the only pristine extraterrestrial embryo on the planet at the University of Victoria.
In the two months that followed I grilled him often and hard. I also angered him a lot. Eventually he sent me the photo shown on Figure 25, but before doing so he sent me the following e-mail on March 17, 2020 when he was angry with me in which he wrote that he is himself an alien:
On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 4:43 PM Craig Ebrahimi <> wrote: “Guy your dumb ass shit keeps getting sent to me by one of your Hebrew followers, you got to be one the biggest dummie humans I ever came across you talk this shit in your writing ABOUT my biotechnology, once again your dumb! you don’t even know your dealing with fucking real extra-terrestrial self made multi millionaire since teens you idiot, if you looked into these eyes I would eat your soul puppet boy.”
Figure 26 above: Is Craig a shape shifter?
Figure 27 above: When the U.S. suffered its first major outbreak in Seattle, there was a daily ferry that connected Seattle with the University of Victoria, where one of Craig’s meteorite was being studied for its weird properties.
Figure 28 above: Craig with an alleged alien embryo around his neck and the receipt for shipping a sample of his meteorite to Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe in England. The professor apparently delivered the sample to the Chinese Army for development as a biological weapon.
Figure 29 below – Ebrahimi’s body proportions appear to be out of the normal human range. His legs seem too short.
Figure 30 above: This receipt marks the beginning of the transfer of Craig’s contaminated meteorite sample with alien embryonic samples and possible surviving viruses to Professor Wickramasinghe in the UK and to Chinese Professor Jingwen Qu, the Center for Infectious Disease Control in Tianjin, China, and its parent Chinese Army.
Figure 31 above: Arch-villain Wickramasinghe is among the most guilty when it comes to the murder of millions of people via Covid-19.
Figure 32 above: There is a clear publication record that allow us to learn that this disease was deliberately spread.
Figure 33 above: Hidden warnings about Craig’s unusual rock spread quickly in China.
Figure 34 below – China quickly weaponized the virus and incorporated into its naval war plans. They actually attacked our ships with it!
Figure 35 below: The plague was just getting go in China when this story about Craig and his meteorite was published on December 27, 2019.
Figure 36 above: Dr. Elaine Humphrey was the next major scientist to study Craig’s meteorite. I interviewed her several times. She was somewhat nervous about what she was finding, because, as slide 36, weird things were happening with the temperature of the rock. In fact, the temperature fluctuations are suggestive of viral activity.
Figure 37 above: Dr. Humphrey noted the unusual heat (really, cold) properties of the meteorite. This may suggest that living viral processes are at work in the rock.
Figure 38 above: Pareidolia does not explain temperature fluctuations. My experience in interviewing Humphrey leads me to believe that she is very much aware and afraid of the consequences for having alien life in her laboratory.
Figure 39 above. This claim of Wickramasinghe’s lack of resources does not stack up well with his claim later by that somebody broke into his outhouse where he stored the meteorite and stole the meteorite! Know that Wickramasinghe is one of the worlds leading advocates of panspermia which advocates things like meteorite impacts and solar wind transferring life from one world to another. He knew a meteorite with life imbedded in it would be worth billions of dollars. And yet he says he just left the sample in his outhouse? That is utterly unbelievable!
From the moment I met Craig he worked hard to try to convince me to help him sell his rock to biopharma. When he finally saw (after Covid-19 started killing so many of us), that I could not be swayed to help him enlist Elon Musk or Bill Gates to produce a vaccine, that’s when he boasted about his wealth while cursing me out:
“…You got to be one the biggest dummie humans I ever came across you talk this shit in your writing ABOUT my biotechnology, once again your dumb! you don’t even know your dealing with fucking real extra-terrestrial self made multi millionaire since teens you idiot, if you looked into these eyes I would eat your soul puppet boy.”
When following the money to the wealth involved with Craig’s acts we need to keep an eye on Craig and all his associates and follow the money. This includes joint publishers Wickramasinghe and Gensuke Tokoro shown on the slide below.
Figure 40: There was a widespread interest in what Craig was offering, but a great need for then not to go public about it. Craig even reached out to Elon Musk before he turned to me. However once I angered him with demands for loyalty to the scientific method he offered changing stories he changed his story about an early meeting with Musk. However photograph evidence suggests that Craig’s original boast were correct.
ELON E-mails accidently transmitted to me:
The Geiger meter was when Dr. Jerzy (Sawicki) was involved. He is Polish senior that went absolutely crazy with this project. He would never sleep and started drinking vodka we had a falling out when he randomly asked me for a $100,000 immediately when he heard I was meeting with Elon
The instrument US scientist used I have been looking for notes what it was called. I will contact him.
The Geiger meter was when Dr. Jerzy (Sawicki) was involved. He is Polish senior that went absolutely crazy with this project. He would never sleep and started drinking vodka we had a falling out when he randomly asked me for a $100,000 immediately when he heard I was meeting with Elon.
Figure 41 above: At one point Dr, Sawicki quit working for Craig. However, I convinced Craig to repair their rift. My concern was that Sawicki was vital for determining the origin of the meteorite. Craig claimed that “voices he heard in his head” gave him the exact coordinates of the meteorite. That sound a lot like how aliens are believed to communicate by telepathy. Prove that the meteorite has life or remains of life and you go a long way toward proving that Craig is also an alien (as he claims be). Sawicki published aa joint paper with Ebrahimi about the meteorite in question. See their paper here.
Craig lives in Sooke, BC, Canada. Elon Musk visited the area on August 6, 2019. He was seen in Metchosin about 10 miles from Sooke, but he vanished from there for a day. He may have met with Craig elsewhere – either at the home of an ET or aboard an ET ship. This was at a time between when Craig had sent a meteorite sample to Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe (June 19, 2018) and when COVID-19 broke out in China (December, 2019). Why did he want to investigate Craig’s rock? If the virus had already broken out, obviously it would have been to invest in the cure for it. But the August trip was four months before the first known case of the disease. More, Craig told me that Musk was pissed at him because he was talking too much. This discussion bears witness to that.
If Musk wanted to check out the rock at that time it was more likely to because he himself has said that he wants to both live and die on Mars. But he wants a major part of this desire because he wants to be the man that gives man a new home, Mars. It is not certain that humans will survive the possibilities of asteroid impacts, nuclear war, and plagues. he hopes that Mars offers the human race an insurance policy designed to great extend the lifespan of our species. But if Craig’s rock reveals hostile pathogens on the planet that would impede two-way traffic between our two world’s, then his efforts may not succeed. As of 2025 he is still pouring billions of dollars into the rocket that he thinks will help us to populate Mars, so I guess that that he has seen has not yet caused him to alter our course.
Figure 42 above – Elon Musk minutes from Craig’s home and laboratory.
There are many pictures taken by our Mars landers that suggest primitive life growing on them, but the best photo that I have seen from there showing both growth and reproduction is shown next:
Figure 43 above: Probable life (puffballs, a type of fungus) growing on Mars. The alternate suggestion that we are seeing hematite buried by sand and uncovered by wind has been disproven.
The relationship between Wickramasinghe, Dr. Humphrey and Ebrahimi becomes clear when reading the following e mails.
Hi Chandra. I have a client, Craig Ebrahimi, who brought in a meteorite. At first it looked like gabbro but the chemical analysis (by Act labs) proved it to be a meteorite. I understand that he sent you thin sections, outside crust, a piece of the rock with an embryo fossil in a white circle. I have a very small sample for sem and eds. Craig suggested that if you have finished with his samples, is it possible to send them to me. Since I will be in the UK at the end of June for a month, I could pick them up. If you are still working with them, please keep us in the loop.
Fri, 17 May 2019 at 00:13.
Best wishes
Dr. Elaine C. Humphrey, Fellow of Microscopy Society of America, Past President Microscopical Society of Canada
May 20, 2019
Dear Elaine
Unfortunately, the meteorite package was left in a shed near our house and it appears to have been stolen. I do not have it anymore.
Sorry about this.
Chandra Wickramasinghe
Honorary Professor University of Buckingham, Buckingham, UKHonorary Professor University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka
Honorary Professor Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka
Buckingham astrobiology website: astrobiology website:
Personal website:
May 20, 2019 at 1:15:13 PM PDT
From: Chandra Wickramasinghe <>
Date: May 20, 2019 at 1:15:13 PM PDT
To: Elaine Humphrey <>
Subject: Re: meteorite
Hi Elaine. Our house was in chaos after some international travel, so I store all valuable things in an outhouse. Some months back I discovered that many things including the box with the meteorite had disappeared. I was waiting to get a colleague to handle the experiments on this but it never happened. Sorry about this – not my fault.
Best Chandra
Prof. Chandra
May 20, 2019 1:32 PM
From: Elaine Humphrey <>
Sent: May 20, 2019 1:32 PM
To: Craig Ebrahimi <>
Subject: Fwd: meteorite FYI. Sent from my iPhone
On May 201.9 at 18:15, Elaine Humphrey <> wrote:
Chandra. Oh dear, that’s too bad. Did you get any information out of them before they were stolen? If so, have you published them?
I don’t have his direct response to her last question, but he was publishing up the kazoo in conjunction with what he learned from the meteorite. He just forgot to include Craig Ebrahimi’s name as the owner of the rock.
Figure 44 below: The Torah Code meets up with Ebrahimi.
Figure 44 above: Ebrahimi has eaten some pretty unusual food. He claims to have lost hair after ingesting small amounts of dust from his meteorite. On the matrix above the axis term is a long (10-letter) spelling of his last name. When we think about a meteorite we envision something hot. If that something is carrying a virus like Covid 19 it could cause a PLAGUE. PLAGUE is on the matrix in the open text, but of more interest with respect to his diet are two phrases: BRIMSTONE AND FIRE FROM OUT OF HEAVEN plus AND THE SOUL THAT EATS IT WILL BEAR ITS INIQUITY. ALIENS is on the matrix but not at a special case skip. However, MARS touches both ALIENS and EBRAHIMI. TO THE UFO at skip -1 touches EBRAHIMI. While ROCK is only three letters in Hebrew, two of them touch EBRAHIMI. In looking for who wrote the Codes this matrix can be used to argue for God or aliens, however it does not exclude the possibility that God employed aliens as his assistants much the way He did with three angles (messengers) that He sent to report on behavior in Sodom and Gomorrah before He destroyed them.
There are three significant terms on the matrix above. Both BRIMSTONE AND FIRE FROM OUT OF HEAVEN plus AND THE SOUL THAT EATS IT WILL BEAR ITS INIQUITY were each found against odds of about 321 to 1. PLAGUE was found against odds of about 36 to 1. Overall, this matrix was found against odds of about 3,733,215 to 1.
There are many more examples in the Torah Code that describe the COVID-19 plague. Below the axis term is WUHAN, the city where the virus was modified at the Institute of Virology to be more lethal. .INSTITUTE is at the skip of WUHAN. No specific date is given, but in the open text is IN THE END OF DAYS. PLAGUE is also in the open text. More profound, in the open text is IT SEEMS TO ME THERE IS A PLAGUE IN THE HOUSE (also open text). There is more about death.
Figure 45 above: WUHAN and a PLAGUE IN YOUR HOUSE in the Torah Code. By the time it calmed down my wife and I both tested positive for it. Fortunately we recovered.
The record of the matrices that I have found relating to him and Mars and posted on my website ( is as follows:.
Alien COVID Origin 7/24/2024PageAlien COVID Origin 7/24/2024. Menu item 5 of 114.
Meteorological Implications: Evidence of Life on Mars? (14-page Roffman review of Joseph)PageMeteorological Implications: Evidence of Life on Mars? (14-page Roffman review of Joseph). Menu item 9 of 114.
Israel’s top scientist Eshed reveals people on Mars. 12/12/23PageIsrael’s top scientist Eshed reveals people on Mars. 12/12/23. Menu item 89 of 114.WHAT OTHER WORLDS MAY HAVE VISITED US OR INFILTRATED OUR GOVERNMENT? Alien Base in Jupiter’s Clouds? (7/7/2022)PageAlien Base in Jupiter’s Clouds? (7/7/2022). Menu item 56 of 114.
ETs, ABDUCTEES, ISAAC & AN INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE (12/22/2022) sub itemPageETs, ABDUCTEES, ISAAC & AN INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE (12/22/2022). Sub item number 2 under Nazi/Alien Plan to Conquer the U.S. (12/19/22).
TIC TAC UFOsPageTIC TAC UFOs. Menu item 23 of 114.
Part 1- Gilbert Levin Found Life on MarsPage Part 1- Gilbert Levin Found Life on Mars. Menu item 10 of 114
Brandenburg & Martian Nuclear War. 3/22/2023PageBrandenburg & Martian Nuclear War. 3/22/2023. Menu item 76 of 114.
Truman history, UFOs, atomic wars on Earth & Mars (3/30/23)PageTruman history, UFOs, atomic wars on Earth & Mars (3/30/23). Menu item 77 of 114.