I have been aware of Andrew Basiago’s bizarre claims of travel through time and even to Mars for decades now. Until I heard his first interview on time travel by Michael Salla I had little but not necessarily no reason to believe him. You can find his FIRST and SECOND interviews and my notes at the links in this sentence. After listening to and outlining the first two interviews I was amazed to find that A. BASIAGO is encoded in Torah at the same skip as TIME in a 16-letter matrix measuring 2 columns by 8 rows. In expanding the matrix to 128 letters, I find that his name is crossed by TRAVEL. He wants to run again for President. He first did so in 2016 but he only got about 25,000 votes. If he can fix his health, he will likely run again in 2028. Figure 1 has PRESIDENT at skip +1 and ELECT at skip -1. If you just count A. BASIAGO, TIME, TRAVEL, PRESIDENT and ELECT the matrix is encoded against odds of about 13,165,018 to 1. Originally I also looked for the term AFTER THE FLOOD to get some idea of how far into the past the PROJECT PEGASUS time travel program might have gone. It’s there, with total odds against the matrix about 31,359,298,033 but for most people the phrase will not immediately be believed to be a priori (thought of before the experiment) as the other terms are, so it’s probably best to just use odds of 13,165,018 to 1. As for a flood, there may be a great one before Basiago’s election (I just heard Admiral Kirby say we are providing $53,000,000 in flood relief this year to Pakistan) but to count this term it should refer to a flood just before the election, not 6 years away. Odds of 13,165,018 to 1 are enough to make me believe Andrew’s claim that he was originally told by Pegasus about a future positive shot at being President. After interviewing him about 7 or 8 times now, I am endorsing him for a future run, likely in 2028. More, if he wins he has agreed that I will be his Secretary of Defense!
Figure 1 is above. The probability spreadsheet for Figure 1 is below.
The main reason that I did not dismiss what he had to say outright is that the Government sent an agent (Joseph Sapphire is a slight modification of his name) to first threaten me but also to guide me in my Torah Codes and Martian meteorology research. Joseph followed me to the Cape Canaveral public library on August 1, 2016. I was only inside for a maximum of five minutes. During that time I dropped off a book and spotted a science fiction book called Slant by Greg Bear. I looked inside the jacket and saw it was about nanotechnology and artificial intelligence (A.I.). It was the only book I looked at. I immediately decided to check it out and did so a few seconds later. Then I left the library.
When I entered the library there were no other cars on the side of the parking lot where my car was. When I left the building there was a car 2 spaces left of mine. The driver was out (let’s call him Joseph Sapphire here – the real name has another letter as is shown on Figure 2). He was positioned between his car and the door and mine keeping me from entering my car . He was thanking me for my military service (based on my Coast Guard Retired hat and Navy shirt – I served 24 years in the Coast Guard after ten in the Navy years.
Joseph started a conversation that mentioned nanotechnology and A.I. I thought that was odd. I had a book about both in my hands, but the title was not visible from his viewpoint. My son, Dr. David A Roffman, had just published his PhD thesis on nanotechnology. But he did not use any A.I. abilities until he learned them at Yale for his Post Doc about a half year later.
I spoke about my writings a bit, and he warned me that he knew someone like me. He said that the Government placed child porn on the guy’s computer, then confiscated it and brought child porn charges against him. The victim never owned a computer again. Sapphire admitted to once having worked for Fort Huachuca, which is the primary daily massive reader of my site since about 2013 or 2014. That’s an Army Intelligence base in Arizona. I perceived that he was threatening me, we argued, but resolved the matter.
After about 30 minutes but just before we parted I gave him my calling card, which specified that I do research into Martian meteorology. “Can I keep this he asked?”
“Sure,” I said. But he sounded weird, like I had given him a real copy of the Magna Carta or Constitution. The guy was living in the Fort Meade, Maryland area, near the National Security Agency but I think he was working for Army Intelligence. He never went into the library, even after I left it (I watched him through my rear view mirror as I drove slowly away).
It had quickly become apparent that he was well familiar with my works and those of my son. It took me until May, 2017 to figure out that he could not have known the exact minute to park his car, and to know the subject of the book to ask me about just seconds after I checked it out unless he had access to the electronic record of the library transaction that was created. There wasn’t time to know what to talk about unless he had received the data from the future. Joseph apparently knew that if he carefully spelled his last name for me, I would find the August 1, 2016 encounter with him encoded in Torah. Against incredible odds, I did find it. Originally I published Figure 2 with his full correct name but that was dangerous for both of us. The slightly censored matrix and its probability spreadsheet is shown below as Figure 2. The most important parts of the matrix are an axis (first) term of SIGNAL FROM FUTURE, JOSEPH in the open text, his last name (SAPPPHIRE + one letter immediately below his first name, G. BEAR (the author of the book I checked out, and BOOK in the open text. Other terms are related to research that I later did into the origins of COVID-19.
Figure 2 and its probability spreadsheet.
WHO IS JOSEPH “SAPPHIRE?” If not retired by now, based on how he spelled his name for me, how he acted and what else is encoded about him, I believe that he is a TIME COP. I would assume that his organization comes under the Department of Defense. But who really controls them? When President Eisenhower wanted access to information about what was going on at Area 51 they refused to give it to him until he threatened to use the First Army to invade it. This was followed later on January 17, 1961 by Ike’s famous farewell speech on TV in which he warned about the Military Industrial Complex.
Figure 3 – Joseph SAPPHIRE as a TIME COP. The match between TIME POLICEMAN and SAPPHIRE (plus the last letter of his full last name) in 55 letters was found against odds of about 1,847 to 1. The matrix is thus judged as extremely significant.
A WORD ABOUT MY DESIRE TO BECOME A FUTURE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE. From a logical point of view I have a near zero chance to achieve my dream job. First there is the issue of the presidential candidate that I’m willing to hitch my wagon to. My immediate job will be to explain to the voters why Basiago’s claims are not insane. Time travel back to see Abraham Lincoln and foreword to 2054? Travel to Mars where one of his friends was a 19-year old kid named Barry Soetoro, alias Barack Hussein Obama? None of this should trouble Joseph or anyone else at Fort Huachuca – unless any of it is true.
Huachuca is on my computer numerous times everyday. Someone, likely them, was attacking it a few days ago – constantly opening and closing programs while I was working on the Paint and Excel programs fort this article. They even opened my camera and tried to photograph me while I was cussing out the phantom operator opposing me, but I have a blue tape that I keep over the lens so unless they have technology to cut through that, they likely got nothing of value with that effort.
Ever since meeting Joseph the question has always been about how seriously do I need to take my opponents? I first placed myself at risk by publishing the March, 1960 list of scientists around the world who back-engineered the Roswell and other UFO crashes. See Figure 4 below.
Figure 4 above: These are the scientists from around the world who were back-engineering the Roswell and other UFO crashes in March, 1960 at the height of the Cold War. In addition to my Uncle Eugene Roffman who gave me this list shortly before his death at the age of 93, there were men who were involved in making our nuclear weapons at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, men at Wright Patterson Air Force Base and Los Alamos Laboratory where Roswell wreckage was taken, three Russians and one Polish scientist.
I don’t know how many alien species are on Earth now. I have heard estimates of more than 20 with three being hostile. If the number was on the Internet I can’t find it now and it was likely pulled down, but if the hostiles are more than zero it should be disclosed so our well armed civilian population can prepare to defend itself.
ESTIMATE OF THE SITUATION. The United States defeated Japan in World War 2, but we lost to Germany and their alien (Reptilian, Grey and Nordic) allies. Hitler did not shoot himself but he instead fled to Argentina. The male corpse left behind was that of his duplicate, August Wilhelm Bartholdi. Hitler’s dental work was either duplicated in Bartholdi’s mouth, or their dental records were switched. Before the age of the Internet I heard that Eva Braun’s dental records did not match those of the female corpse found. The Nazis had time to set up the Hitler dental records but they had not foreseen the last minute marriage to Eva Braun and thus there was no match in her case. Wikipedia discusses several possible doubles and it notes that Stalin thought that Hitler escaped to Spain or Argentina.
After Hitler’s escape the next point in time that we must focus on was in 1947 with Operation Highjump. A full article that summarizes the campaign is at Did US Navy battle UFOs protecting Nazi Antarctic sanctuary in 1947? I suggest you read the entire article but I’ll just repeat its first paragraph and conclusion here:
“An extraordinary 2006 Russian documentary was recently translated into English revealing new information about a US Navy Antarctica expedition in 1946/47. Originally scheduled for a six-month period, the scientific expedition was officially called The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program, and given the operational name Highjump. The naval component of Operation Highjump was known as Task Force 68 and comprised 4700 military personnel, one aircraft carrier (the USS Philippine Sea among the largest of all carriers of the time), and number of naval support ships and aircraft. The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explorer Admiral Richard Byrd, who had been ordered to consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent. Byrd’s expedition ended after only 8 weeks with many fatalities according to initial news reports based on interviews with crew members who spoke to the press while passing through Chilean ports. Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview that Task Force 68 had encountered a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.”
The article concludes by stating:
“The UFO force had inflicted heavy casualties on the US Navy that was powerless to oppose it. The world’ s first known battle between the United States military and an unknown UFO fleet based near Antarctica very likely occurred in 1947, and the general public has never learned about it until now.”
The year 1947 also brought us my birth in May, the Roswell Incident in July, the birth of the CIA (also in July, supposedly in response to the Roswell Incident), the Air Force in September, and Majestic 12 (MJ-12 for short), that is an alleged secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft. Note: Wikipedia lists the following men as alleged members of Majestic 12.[6]
- Lloyd Berkner
- Detlev Bronk
- Vannevar Bush
- James Forrestal
- Gordon Gray
- Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter
- Jerome Clarke Hunsaker
- Donald H. Menzel
- Robert M. Montague
- Sidney Souers
- Nathan F. Twining
- Hoyt Vandenberg
The famous UFO flap over Washington D.C. was over weekends in July, 1952. While I always assumed that they were piloted by aliens, Dr. Micheal Salla’s books point to a combination of alien and Nazi pilots operating out of Antarctica while Truman was still in office.
The Eisenhower Administration supposedly saw meetings between him and alien or alien/Nazi combined crews. The first was allegedly on Feb. 20, 1954 when he interrupted his vacation in Palm Springs, Calif., to make a secret nocturnal trip to a nearby Air Force base to meet two extraterrestrial (Nordic) aliens. They wanted him to give up our nuclear weapons because they were causing problems with time. Supposedly later that year he met with Greys. In exchange for technology he allowed them to capture earthling cattle and humans for medical experiments, provided that they returned the humans safely home. Since then, Salla says, the “Greys” have kidnapped “millions” of humans. Frankly I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that there is a link here with Democrats who don’t understand how they are destroying our nation.
Salla claims that Area 51 was not under control of the U.S. Government. Ike had to threaten to invade it with the First Army to find out what was going on there while the Fourth Reich apparently worked with aliens to develop joint spacecraft. The 1,600 Nazi scientists were rising in power at this time to form an important part of our Military Industrial Complex. Eisenhower’s last words to us warned about them in closing TV speech on January 17, 1961. Part of his warning was as follows:
Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.
Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together…
Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers…
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”
When Eisenhower said, “We should take nothing for granted,” that includes having beaten the Nazis in World War 2. As was covered in the press around the world on October 7, 1945, Eisenhower knew then that Hitler survived the war. I originally saw the article below in the New York Times, but the on-line copy was in the Ottawa Citizen.
Figure 5 above: What did he say? There is reason to believe that he is still alive. BUT THAT IN ITSELF DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!
When did Hitler die if alien technology does not still keep him alive now or for a future return? Possibly on February 13, 1962 at the age of 73, but he may have left at least two daughters as heirs to the power of the Fourth Reich:
Figure 6 above: I told this same story complete with all the same names to a former (now deceased) in-law of mine (Harry Lively) back in 1982. All of my information came from microfilm copies of the New York Times. The only differences between what I said then and Figure 6 is that I was unaware of any passage through Spain and the Canary Islands. I said nothing about when he supposedly died. I never said of Hitler that “he never set foot outside Argentina.” In fact, Figure 7 below offers evidence that Hitler visited Tunja, Colombia in 1954.
Figure 7 above: State Department, photographic and Torah Codes evidence that Hitler visited Tunja, Colombia in 1954. I recommend zooming in to the State Department traffic here. I do question why the classification of this document was only Secret rather than Top Secret,” but it may be taken as evidence that our State Department did not view Holocaust-related war crimes as serious. Hitler had lots of money stolen from six million dead Jews to buy new friends, and he could help make sure that we got the right Nazi rocket scientists when we imported 1,600 of them to assemble our space and missile defense systems. Thus the State Department Bogota Colombia Chief of Station’s response to the inquiry about going after Hitler was, “Headquarters has no objections to Stations passing this information to GIRELLA, but it is felt that enormous efforts could be expended on this matter with remote possibilities of establishing anything concrete. Therefore, we suggest that this matter be dropped.”
The Torah Code matrix in Figure 7 had an axis term of COLOMBIA. A transliteration of HITLER (spelled with a tav rather than a tet) is at the same skip. Between them is TUNJA at skip -1. Odds against this matrix appearing by chance are about 8,702 to 1.
IT AIN’T OVER UNTIL IT’S OVER! If Hitler lived he got to see his flying saucers fly over Washington D.C. in 1952, and he might have been around to see Kennedy assassinated in 1963 if there was another faked death. I don’t know if Michael Salla is correct about JFK’s assassination being ordered by James Jesus Angleton, CIA Director of Counter Intelligence, but if not true I would think that our Government would find reason to go after him in court for his conclusion in Kennedy’s Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK’s Assassination. However I don’t think we’ll see such a challenge. In 1976 a guy named John Brennan voted for Gus Hall for President. Hall ran as a communist. In 1980 Brennan joined the CIA after admitting to his communist ties while taking a polygraph test. On March 8, 2013 Obama selected this communist to be Director of the CIA! Brennan remained in that position until the day that Trump became President on January 20, 2017. Once out of office he did everything in his power to aid in impeaching Trump. Further, Brennan retained his high security clearance throughout Trump’s four years in office.
And what of the FBI? I see that as I write this on September 13, 2022 they have just seized the cell phone of Mike Lindell. He is the founder of MyPillow. Of particular interest is a Tweet from January 6 rally organizer Kylie Kremer and Mike Lindell discussing secret plans to have Trump call for protesters to march to a second location, either the Supreme Court or Capitol on the 6th. That may be understandable, but FBI efforts to introduce false evidence into court about Trump collision with Russia are unforgivable. So is the raid of his house. While in office they did everything in their power to overthrow our legally elected government and to harass what seemed everyone who supported Trump. We are being labeled as terrorists just for voting Republican. This is intolerable and the reason why the FBI should be disbanded. Waiting in the wings are 87,000 more (armed) IRS agents preparing to further harass Republicans.
Hell was paved when Eisenhower said that it was not a problem if Hitler survived World War 2. America entered the Gates of Hell when it elected Joe Biden. It basically died on the operating table then, but was being kept barely alive by life support – meaning the possibility of being somewhat resuscitated by the midterm elections in 2022.