Preface (1/22/2025) God Alien, or AI: Who Wrote Torah?

This book is under construction.
I began my Torah Codes research in 1997 after reading Michael Drosnin’s best selling book, THE BIBLE CODE. By the time I began to write this manuscript on December 30, 2024 I had accumulaed huge wealth of data including thousands of Torah Code matrices  to prove that there is indeed a predictive Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) Code in the Torah *the first 5 books  of the Bible).What remained unclear after 28 years of Torah Codes research is the Source of that Code. As I start this new analysis there are three suspect Authors: God, Alien, or a military Artificial Intelligence (AI) positioned somewhere in our future. Such an AI must be capable of either transporting data or people across time.
The Ark Code focuses on looking for maps in the Torah that point to the location of the Ark of the Covenant that originally carried the Ten Commandments. Consistent ELS maps based on the 8-letter Hebrew for Ark of the Covenant (alef resh vav nun bet resh yud tav) point to a course of 251.565 degrees True from Temple Mount in Jerusalem to a location on the El Zuqba Peninsula of Northern Sinai, Egypt at 31 degrees 9 minutes North, 33 degrees 4 minutes East. This area is in a restrictive military zone. While I have been within a few hundred meters of the site, I risked arrest to be there and my guide did not permit me to take any metal detector. Further we had no GPS equipment. This ongoing project requires permission from the Egyptian government and funding. Further, at the time of this attempt to combine data related to God, aliens and military I have already reached the age of 77 and  I have suffering through one round of cancer. I am going to need a younger protégée to carry on my research after I am gone. Anyone who is interested and qualified should write to me at or call me at  (321) 795-1926. You will need to learn both how to find encoded data and how to evaluate its approximate statistical value to ensure that you are not confusing nonsense for miracles.
 WHAT IS  THE TORAH CODE ? It is explained in Chapter 1 of this book.



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