This page investigates Torah Code Axis Terms of (1) REPTILIAN GOVERNMENT, (2) ALIEN IN OUR GOVERNMENT, (3) OBAMA IS REPTILIAN, (4) BIDEN IS ALIEN, (5) HUACHUCA (an Army Intelligence Base in ARIZONA with REPTILIAN and UFO at the same absolute skip, and (6) A. MAYORKAS touching REPTILIAN at skip -1.
Figure 1 is above. The axis term is REPTILIAN GOVERNMENT. The most significant a priori key word is INVASION. It was found against odds of about 436 to 1. Next most important is NETANYAHU which was found against odds of about 27 to 1. The question here is whether Netanyahu is the controller, or are we dealing with a deeper conspiracy in which PRESIDENT JOSEPH Biden is a Reptilian (shape-shifting) BARACK Obama is perhaps another one. PRESIDENT is at skip +1 (open text) and BARACK is at skip -1. That both U.S. presidents are at special case skips is HORRIBLE (also at skip +1), especially if they are at the core of a reptilian government ruling Earth and controlling Netanyahu and Israel.
The spreadsheet for Figure 1 is shown below. Odds against this matrix are about 17,385,542 to 1.
FIGURE 2 below:
Spreadsheet for Figure 2 below. Odds against ALIEN IN OUR GOVERNMENT being encoded in 120 letters with BIDEN at the same absolute skip (81,218) plus HIS MILITARY at skip +1 and MAGA at skip -1 are about 166,704 to 1. The inclusion of OBAMA at one skip off the axis term is also significant, however under my standard protocol I only assign extra value to skips +/- 1 and +/- the skip of the axis term. This method likely under values the estimate of the odds, but to be consistent, it is what I have been doing for about 20 years.
FIGURE 3 below: There is also an axis term for OBAMA (best spelling) is REPTILIAN. Against odds of about 514 to 1, it is found with PRESIDENT and UFO at the same absolute skip of 75,716 letters.
Figure 4 below: The axis term here is OBAMA is an ALIEN. If you want to know what type of alien above, see Figure 3 above for OBAMA is REPTILIAN. If you are worried about Obama getting too much attention on this matter, see Figure 2. There, although OBAMA appears at one skip (-81,217) off the skip of the axis term ALIEN IN OUR GOVERNMENT (skip -81,218), and although BARACK is at skip -1, the prize for matching the absolute skip of the axis term goes to BIDEN at skip 81,218.
FIGURE 5 below – The reptilians have not just taken over the Executive Branch of our Government. They also control the Fort Huachuca Army Intelligence Base in Arizona. Figure 5 was found against odds of about 477,922,797. This base has monitored my web site here daily since at least 2016. Indeed, as I discussed with one of their agents who set up a surprise interview with me on August 1, 2016, there are indications that they were here every day since at least 2014. BARACK H. connects REPTILIAN to FROM A NAZI. At the same absolute skip are HUACHUCA, REPTILIAN, UFO and CHINA.
FIGURE 6 below: This matrix looks like a warning that while Alejandro Mayorkas may look like a Jew, he may actually be a reptilian. Frankly, as a Jew myself, I sense nothing Jewish about him, but I have never spoken to him.
A. MAYORKAS at skip -128,843 touches REPTILIAN at skip -1. However, while REPTILIAN is at its minimum skip in Torah, A. MAYORKAS is not and matrix statistics are calculated based on the ELS rank of the axis term. A search of all wrapped Torah at skips +128,843 to -128,843 reveal the ELS rank of A. MAYORKAS to be 34. This means that any final combined calculation must be divided by 34. Normally I consider or use a number that is divided into the product of key word calculations that is based on combined possible spellings of the axis term unless the axis term is at its best (lowest frequency) spelling. Here the matrix is only based on the second best spelling which is alef mem yud vav resh qof samech. Alternate spellings for the last two letters would be kuf shin/sin, qof shin and kuf samech. If we consider all four spellings, there are 1,013 possible spelling combinations based on a target match of Reptilian and a similar set of potential matches with a target of Ciakarr, the alternate of Reptilian.
SIGNIFICANCE OF A. MAYORKAS MEETING REPTILIAN AT SKIP -1 IN ONLY 35 LETTERS. Although there are 4 spellings of A. MAYORKAS, only one of them (shown on Figure 6) matches up with a special case skip spelling of MAYORKAS. On the bright side, this is an extremely close match and it seems to identity a key enemy of the U.S. However, from a negative viewpoint that enemy turns out to be nominally a Jew, or at least poses as one. Further, the match is not based on or close to with the minimum skip of A. Mayorkas. Had Figure 6 been based on the minimum skip of A. Mayorkas it would have been found against odds of about 4,354 to 1. But here the ELS rank is not 1, it’s 34 and without looking for other key words the corresponding odds are about 128 to 1.
If we expand the matrix to 400 letters, we pick up JOSEPH at skip +1 and BIDEN, but not at a special case skip. There are no shortage of books that relate Reptilian history to HITLER. He is on the matrix with the best spelling of his name, but it’s not at a special case skip. UFO is also here, but only a skip -2 (or, elsewhere, at +2). The 400-letter version of this matrix was found against odds of about 671,870 to 1. In my world, that’s only moderately significant.
I am greatly bothered by learning that Mayorkas is either a Jew, or a shape-shifting Reptilian. If we can’t show that his diet is kosher, we might find that it has human elements in it. I have met three people who claim to be aliens. One married couple, Dan and Rebecca were initially claiming to be from the Pleiades. But Rebecca, who was much more forthcoming about this alleged background, also said she had been taken (I think 3 times) by Reptilians. In one of her stories she claimed that she was taken into orbit where she was shown a room full of screaming, panicking hybrid children who were half human and half Grey. They were told that they would soon be eaten (alive?) by Reptilians. I asked her to discuss the incident on a talk radio show: On Wednesday’s June 7, 2023 she did on the Night Shadows Radio with Stewart Best & Larry Taylor. Here is the link:
In a book by Elena Danaan she discusses how Reptilians at Fort Huachuca (mentioned above) send out captured people or hybrids as food for Reptilians. I would not be surprised to learn that Mayorkas doubles up on his job by also serving as the Chief Cook. Fort Huachuca is only about 10 miles from the Mexican border. It has an ideal location for capturing kids who managed to bypass any border patrol.
By the way, although Rebecca and I were friends for 11 years, for most of that time she told me stories about being taken by various alien species. In 2023 these stories morphed into an admission that she was told by Pleiadians that the Pleiades is where her home world is. In late 2023 the stories began to change again with what sounded like reasons to believe that she (and I suppose her husband) were actually Reptilians. When I confronted both of them about my concerns they seemed insulted. The result was a huge fight and, unfortunately, the end of the relationship. Do I really think they are Reptilian? I’d have to preform some medical tests before stating any worthwhile conclusion. Rebecca claimed frequent Reptilian contact, but it did not make sense that they would show her where they were getting their food supply from unless she (and perhaps her husband) are at least part reptilians. In particular, I was concerned by her initial lack of empathy for what the hybrid kids were afraid of – being eaten alive. She said that the Reptilians particularly like to eat very frightened children because they had higher levels of the hormone adrenaline which give them a better flavor. Mayorkas often displayed a similar lack of compassion and/or honesty throughout his testimony before the House.