Haniyeh and other Jew KIllers (3/4/2024)

This page is under construction. As is shown on the spreadsheet below Figure 1, if ARK OF THE COVENANT is not counted as an a priori term, odds against finding this matrix were about 1.2 billion to 1. The axis term is RAFAH, GAZA which looks like it will be the last place in Gaza in fall to Israel in its push to destroy Hamas in retaliation for the deadly and perverted attack against Israel on October 7, 2023. RAFAH, GAZA is in the left column while its prime minister HANIYEH is at the same skip (9,949 letters) is in   the right column. Between them and again at the same skip is a transliteration of OBAMA. HANIYEH was foolish in deciding to launch its attack on Israel, just as OBAMA was foolish in constantly working to help IRAN to acquire nuclear weapons. The word FOOLISH is again at the same skip of 9,947. A fifth term at this same absolute skip (but opposite direction) is UFO which is only really significant if it turns  that as I suspect alien technology was used to help bust 6,000 Hamas terrorists into Israel.


PRESIDENT is on the matrix at skip +1 (open text).  This matches up with anti-Semitic leaders OBAMA, AMALEK and HITLER plus the gentile prophet BALAAM. The last letter of HITLER (resh) touches two letters of MASSACRE.



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