Our previous Mars articles

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Possible causes of high altitude plumes over Mars.
Scale heights and Mars pressure transducer errors    
Spherical life on Mars? Cocoon and spherical, photosynthetic life seen by MSL? Photos from MSL sols 1185, 1189 and 1203 might show lifeforms.
PowerPoint Version of our Basic Report for MARS CORRECT: CRITIQUE OF ALL NASA MARS WEATHER DATA. Updated July 16, 2018.
MARS CORRECT: CRITIQUE OF ALL NASA MARS WEATHER DATA. 63-slide summary of 8 year of research indicating that air pressure in Mars is about 84 times higher than NASA asserts. This show includes the September 28, 2015 NASA announcement of running water found at many places on Mars.
Basic Report for MARS CORRECT: CR,ITIQUE OF ALL NASA MARS WEATHER DATA Updated April 16, 2020. Basic Report for MARS CORRECT: Critique of All NASA Mars Weather Data 121-page summary of 6+ years of research indicating that air pressure in Mars is about 100 times higher than NASA asserts and discussing serious problems with all other Mars weather data. It includes new findings about running water on Mars.
Radio Interview of July 20, 2015. July 20, 2015 Barry Roffman radio interview about Mars. I was interviewed again about Mars on the the John Moore Show. The interviewer was Tim Spencer. The interview starts about about 1 hour 11 minutes into the 2+ hour show at http://www.thejohnmooreshow.com/.  
SEPTEMBER 29, 2015: RUNNING WATER FOUND AT MANY PLACES ON MARS RUNNING WATER FOUND AT MANY PLACES ON MARS Running water is associated with recurring slope lineae (RSL) and perchlorates.
Radio Interview of April 30, 2013. April 30, 2013 Barry Roffman radio interview about Mars. The link to a radio interview that I gave about Mars on April 30, 2013 is as follows: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/curtner-and-kerr/2013/05/01/barry-roffman-with-larry-taylor-mars-exposed
Annex Links   Mars Correct: Critique Of All NASA Mars Weather Data, With Emphasis On Pressure: Annexes (With Links) And Appendices 
Report figure & table links    Mars Correct: Critique Of All Nasa Mars Weather Data, With Emphasis On Pressure: Links To Figures In The Basic Report
Concession by Ashima Ashima Research Concedes to Roffman Critiques Ashima Concession For Posting Incorrect Data For The First 268 Sols And The Roffman Response To It:
MSL Martian Weather Year 1 REMS TEAM Mars Weather Reports Tables 1 & 2 summarize the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) data. Flaws will be discussed in conjunction with them. Table 1 shows the history of 682 sols of weather at MSL with emphasis on major changes (likely political in nature). 
 MSL Martian Weather Year 2 up to Sol 270
 REMS TEAM Mars Weather Reports  REMS TEAM Mars Weather Reports from MSL Sol 670 and forward to Sol 866.
MSL Year 2 Summer Weather Data MSL Year 2 Weather Record from Ls 270 (summer) to Ls 0 (360). REMS TEAM Mars Weather Reports from MSL Sol 865 to Sol 1020.
MSL Year 2 Autumn Weather Data MSL Year 2 Weather Record from Ls 0 (fall) to Ls 90. REMS TEAM Mars Weather Reports from MSL Sol 1,019 onward.
Old MSL Weather 1 Orignal REMS Team and Ashima Research MSL Weather Record REMS Team/JPL Give Us a Moving Target for Mars Weather Data.
Old MSL Weather 2 Original REMS Mars Science Laboratory Summer Weather Record Original REMS MSL Summer Weather Record
Soil 2% water Analysis of MSL Water in Soil Announcement There is a lot of water just under the surface of Mars – maybe too much for the pressure accepted by NASA.
JPL fudges pressure curves  How JPL fudges pressure data to keep it on expected curve. Close observation of original and revised MSL pressure data shows that JPL will not publish pressures more than 7 Pascals off the pressure expected curve.
MSL Temp. ∆ Mast to Ground MSL Temperature Change From 1.5 Meters AGL to the Ground MSL Temperature change from .5 meters above the ground to the ground.
Relative humidity Relative Humidity at Curiosity, Gale Crater, Mars Are these numbers all wet? Statements about relative humidity do not jive with the record 
Mars sky color Martian Sky Color Controversy Disinformation about Martian sky color apparently started with an order by NASA Administrator Dr. James Fletcher when Viking 1 touched down.
Tavis Sensor Suspicion Tavis Pressure Sensor Suspicions. ANNEX G To MARS CORRECT: Critique Of All NASA Mars Weather Data, With Emphasis On Pressure: Tavis Transducer Specifications and Test Results. Tavis CADS are found here.
Vaisala Sensor: Phoenix & MSL Vaisala Sensors used on Phoenix & MSL Issues raised by the Finnish Meteorological Institute show reasons to be concerned that pressures reported are false.
Pathfinder pressures Pressures Measured by Mars Pathfinder Pathfinder Data is Best Compared to Viking 1 Data 
Wind Booms & Disinformation MSL Curiosity Wind Booms and Disinformation Pathfinder Data is Best Compared to Viking 1 Data 
Ingersoll Debate Data Debate with Professor Ingersoll of CalTech/JPL Why there is “No Sale” on a NASA Mars expert’s request that this study be terminated.
Daylight-math-fix Mars Daylight Math: Roffman vs. NASA (REMS Team & Ashima) How can we trust scientists who publish faulty data for so long even after we have pointed out obvious errors?
Curiosity Geology Curiosity and Ancient Life on Mars The red color of Mars points at least to a past with plenty of oxygen
Landing altitudes Altitudes for Mars landers with weather instruments The higher the landing site, the less the pressure.
Mars Mission History and Sites  Mars Landing Sites Attempted Martian landings and Martian weather data.
Nuc on Mars? Was there a nuclear blast on Mars? Disinformation requires a cause – something worth hiding from a public that might panic or have its values altered. Dr. Brandenberg’s discovery may point to reason for a cover up.  
Aldrin’s Phobos Monolith Aldrin’s claim of a monolith on Martian moon Phobos  Seeing is not always believing when photos are involved. Does Aldrin know more than what these pictures show?  
Ashima/MIT GCM Critique Ashima/MIT Mars General Circulation Model Critique The Mars General Circulation Model by Ashima/MIT is flawed as were the MSL Mars weather reports posted by Ashima. Research.
NASA alters temperature data How NASA altered high temperatures for MSL After NASA reported that temperatures were higher than expected at Gale Crater on Mars, they simply went back and dropped the temperatures reported.
MSL  Sol 370, 1160 and 1161 histories. MSL  Sol 370, 1160 and 1161 pressure changes by JPL and Ashima Research. After the REMS Team posting a record high average pressure of 1149 Pa (11.49 mbar) for Sol 370, and having our team question it (MSL could not measure over 1150 Pa), REMS pulled it down and put up a likey bogus false pressure of 865 Pa (8.65 mbar). Ashima Research still shows the higher pressure. REMS repeated this behavior for Sols 1160 and 1161.
Viking pressure  sensors failed Proof Viking Pressure Sensors Failed. Evidence is presented to show that clogged dust filters on Vikings 1 and 2 kept the Tavis Pressure sensors from measuring ambient air pressure on Mars.
Dust Storm Nonsense 2012 Mars Dust Storm Nonsense Analysis put out by JPL about a 2012 regional dust storm that never reached MSL or Opportunity was plainly unfounded utter nonsense.
JPL Press Conference Critique 1  Critique of JPL Press Conference of 15 November 2012 JPL made several unwarranted assertions about dust devils seen at MSL during this conference. The wind data they quoted was later withdrawn by them due to a wind instrument on Boom 1 that broke on landing.  Navigating
Navigating Mars Navigating Mars: Altitude and Longitude Issues The rules for establishing altitude and longitude have both changed. This article will attempt to clarify the issues involved. Obviously altitudes will greatly affect pressures.
Phobos Grunt Failure Phobos Grunt Failure, a Horrible Failure, But Not a Surprise. The Russians failed to reach the Martian moon Phobos (again) with a mission launched in 2011. The final Russian failure analysis is reviewed, as is earlier speculation about Phobos.
Moving sand & Mars winds Sand movement and Martian air pressure Winds measured on Mars are insufficient to move sand dunes or fill in Rover tracks if we accepted NASA’s low air pressure claims. That sand dunes do move on Mars is terrific proof that NASA is publishing false air pressure.
Moving rock Mystery of a moving rock on Mars solved? In January 2014 a rock seemed to move to get into the view of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. Was it actually kicked up by an Opportunity wheel, or did something else occur?
Organic chemicals found by MSL at Gale Crater MSL finds Methane and chlorobenzene at Gale Crater. JPL press conference of December 16, 2014 and related data, mostly from the book Mars Up Close by Marc Kaufman.
 Fossil found on Mars? Does the Gillespie Lake rock outcrop point to past life on Mars?  
Beagle 2 found  Oxygen and Trees on Mars?  
155-mile high Mars Plume Mysterious plumes above the surface of Mars have scientists stumped. Clouds have been spotted up to 155 above Mars. The previous record was 60 miles up.
 Oxygen and Trees on Mars   While we believe that it’s not as strong a case as that for higher than advertised Martian air pressure, there are reasons to question the accepted levels of oxygen on Mars.
G. Levin and Labeled Release Part 1 – Gilbert Levin – the Man Who Found Life on Mars The only real opposition to Levin’s claim to have found life at Viking 1 and Viking 2 landing sites (with his labeled release experiment) was based on the failure to finding organic chemicals. But that failure was flawed, and now we know there are organic chemicals on Mars.
Gil Levin and Leveled Release – Part 2 Part 2 – Gilbert Levin – the Man Who Found Life on Mars – Historical overview.  
Brine on Mars Why we believe that JPL did a poor job of laying out the case for brine at Gale Crater.  
Ultraviolet Radiation at MSL Comparison of Ultraviolet Radiation at Gale Crater, Mars for MSL Years 1 and 2.    
Photos and comments about the strange lights seen on Ceres. A look at the possible causes of strange lights coming from a crater on Ceres. Causes considered include ice, geysers, volcanoes, salt, aliens, and diamonds formed by asteroid impact. This updated article shows the lights in September, 2015 from an altitude of 915 miles.
Factors affecting UV levels at MSL in Gale Crater, Mars
UV varies from Very high down to low. Factors considered include solar longitude (Ls), distance from the sun, latitude, altitude (and air density) opacity, and error.
High temperatures for MSL Years 1 and 2. Comparison of high air and ground temperatures at MSL.  
Diurnal air temp. variation Diurnal air temperature variation at MSL in Gale Crater, Mars In a near vacuum atmosphere variation between night and day temperatures on Mars should be consistent. He we show that they are not. We focus on sols with a low temperature of -74°C, with highs varying from -27°C to +3°C.


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